Page 64 - Senior Link Magazine Winter 2022 - Online Magazine
P. 64
Our Song
By Dorothy Looney (written 20 years ago)
was voted "Outstanding occasion—a black crepe dress with a
Student" by the whole high full skirt and taffeta sleeves.
school and was chosen "All
Star Farmer" and won a trip Marvin was taking a flying course
to Kansas City. Dorothy in town, so he’d come in from the
deeply admired him, but he country where he lived and farmed
was four years older. with his parents. The plan was
that he'd get hamburgers and meet
Upon graduation, Marvin Dorothy, and they'd sit in the car
was drafted into the Army and talk. They found that they had
and departed for Germany, a lot in common. Dorothy's parents
where he fought in WWII. farmed, and she had hoed and pulled
Two years later, when the lots of cotton herself.
war ended, he returned
home. Marvin told Dorothy that he and
his Army buddy, Lawrence, were
After Dorothy sitting in a foxhole in Germany, and
graduated, she got a job they'd promised each other to spend
ne Friday in 1941, Dorothy as a switchboard operator with Thanksgiving together. Marvin
rode the school bus home Southwestern Bell Telephone planned to be with Lawrence in
Owith her classmate, Carrie Company in Lubbock. One sunny Idaho by Thanksgiving. He asked
Daughtery. The following day, Sunday afternoon, Dorothy went Dorothy, "Come with me to Idaho."
Dorothy and Carrie went to visit a with her parents to the Mackenzie She was chagrined. "What kind
neighbor, Bobbie Looney. It was a Park swimming pool. Marvin and of girl do you think I am?” But it
sunny day, and the three girls went some of his friends were there, too. turned out that was Marvin’s way
swimming in a large round concrete She did something she'd never done of proposing. So, they hurriedly
tank. Afterwards, they were sitting before. She spread her towel out and planned a wedding for Friday
on the front lawn, and Dorothy sat in the sun. As Marvin walked by, evening, November 21, 1947.
noticed a young man playing with he stopped and talked to her.
his dog. It was Marvin, Bobbie's The morning of the wedding,
brother. Later that week, he asked her for a Dorothy woke up late and had to run
date to a Texas Tech football game. three blocks to a beauty shop to have
Dorothy had heard about Marvin at Dorothy was so excited! The man of her hair done. Soon after, her mother
school. She admired him from afar. her dreams had asked her for a date! came from New Deal to take her
She was in the pep squad, cheering She purchased a new dress for the shopping. She was embarrassed to
for his football games. She knew he
64 Lubbock Senior Link