Page 68 - Senior Link Magazine Winter 2022 - Online Magazine
P. 68
An Inspirational
GentlemanBob Kiser by Vickie Walters
wife, Marna, became too disabled
from Parkinson’s disease to cook,
clean, or drive, Bob took over the
daily responsibilities. One day, Kurt
was visiting when Marna was in
late-stage Parkinson’s, and he heard
his father singing in the bathroom.
When Bob came out, Kurt asked his
dad how he could be so happy. Bob
replied, “Kurt, you can choose to
be happy and positive, or sad and
negative. I choose to be positive.”
Bob’s longevity of life is also due to
how active he has been throughout
his life. He is a veteran of World
War II*, worked for Exxon Mobil for
40 years, and rode his bike across
the United States five times, the last
ing’s Highway Charters of 54 years traveled quite a bit before time when he was 84 years old. He
and Tours has been driving she passed in 2008. receives compliments many times
Kgroups and tours for over on what an inspiration he is, and he
25 years now. A few weeks ago, we Bob doesn’t think like a 98-year- just shrugs his shoulders, not seeing
were honored to travel with our old. He is a life-learner—always what they see.
oldest passenger to date: 98-year- interested in the people and places
old Bob Kiser went with us on our around him. On our trip, he always While in Sedona, AZ, on our trip, he
Canyons and Glacier National Park wanted to read the historic signs and Kurt were on a trolley tour that
tour in August. His son, Kurt Kiser, and brochures about the places we took the group to the Chapel of the
decided to join him and make it went. Bob Holy Cross.
a father/son trip. Bob asked Kurt even listens The chapel
every day to let him sit in the aisle to the Bible sits on a
seat so he could talk to people. in Spanish hill, and the
Traveling, for him, has become more each morning trolley must
about the people than the places. to improve park at the
You see, Bob (and his wife and three his Spanish- bottom.
children) lived in several other speaking skills! Bob climbed
countries over the years, including He chooses to out of the
Venezuela, Australia, and Malaysia, be positive, trolley and
to name a few, and he and his wife too. When his started
68 Lubbock Senior Link