Page 59 - Senior Link Magazine Winter 2022 - Online Magazine
P. 59
Music Therapists develop Music Therapy
treatment plans specific to the needs and We Honor Veterans is a program
strengths of their patients. Music Therapy of Hospice of Lubbock that provides
treatment plans are individualized for each food, hygiene and paper good items
patient and focus on appropriate services for
the patient and setting. to Veterans. Veterans do not have
At Hospice of Lubbock, Cheyenne is to be on hospice for this assistance.
an integral part of the interdisciplinary If you are a Veteran or know of a
team of caregivers which includes the Veteran in need, please call Hospice
physicians, nurses, social workers, chaplains, of Lubbock at 806-795-2751. If
bereavement therapists, case managers, and you are interested in supporting the
volunteer coordinator. This interdisciplinary veteran food pantry, donations are
team works collaboratively to address the greatly needed and appreciated and
needs of each patient while protecting patient may be dropped off at Hospice of
confidentiality and privacy. Lubbock, 3702 21st Street.
Cheyenne believes in the dignity and worth
of every person. She integrates her musical
and educational expertise, along with the
best available research, to meet the needs and preferences For more information about Music Therapy
of each patient. She is authentic and empathetic in her services, contact Cheyenne Gordon MT-BC at
role as a Music Therapist, while maintaining appropriate Hospice of Lubbock, (806) 795-2751.
interpersonal relationships with the families and patients
at Hospice of Lubbock.
The Region’s ONLY Pediatric & Adult Hospice
806-795-2751 or 800-658-2648
Lubbock Senior Link 59