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by David Weaver
T wo years into retirement and of purpose.” This key bit of advice helped by the food bank and want
you will ever do.” “Have a sense
to “return the favor.” Whatever
life is good.
Eleven years ago, I turned came from Kent, one of our faithful their motivation, they have a sense
of purpose and perhaps, more
volunteers who showed up every
sixty. Friends began asking when I day to help sort food and make food importantly, they have a good time.
planned to retire. At the time, I had boxes.
no plans. As the CEO of the South Keren, my wife, and I began talking
Plains Food Bank, I was working for When we needed someone to about retirement six years ago.
an organization I love, with people oversee the food box room, we (She was worried about having
I love, feeding food insecure people thought of Kent. He was perfect. me hanging around the house
in a community that I love. Why He knew what needed to be done, too much. I was, too.) We talked
would I want to retire? how to make it happen, plus people about things we would enjoy doing
enjoyed working with him. We together if we had more time, places
But the seed was planted. What asked him to join our staff. He to visit and possibly live. We have a
would retirement look like for me? thought about it and said, “When I wonderful network of friends and
I consulted experts with retirement come here as a volunteer, I ‘get’ to family in Lubbock. How would
experience: the retired volunteers be here. If I worked for you, I would we maintain those friendships
who show up at the food bank ‘have’ to be here. I like getting to and create new relationships? My
every day to keep the food bank volunteer rather than having to daughter Grace wanted to know
going. I discovered retirement show up for work.” It made sense to why I hadn’t retired much sooner.
looks different for everyone. Some me and offered me another insight
of what retirement looks like is into my retirement future: What As much as I loved my job, I also
because of choices we make, and will I get to do in retirement rather loved the South Plains Food Bank
sometimes there are forces out of than what will I have to do? and realized that a change in
our control. Stay flexible. leadership could be and would be
Some of our volunteers show up healthy. I worked with our Board of
Advice ranged from, “‘Work as long because of their faith, some a sense Directors to begin the transition to
as you can” to “It's the best thing of civic duty. Many have been new leadership.
Thank you, David, for your service on our Board of Directors and for
your support of Breedlove Foods for almost 30 years!
22 Lubbock Senior Link