Page 24 - Senior Link Magazine Winter 2022 - Online Magazine
P. 24
Nellie Langford
by Donna Carter
ndiahoma, Oklahoma was They moved to Christ (later Quaker Avenue
the birthplace of one of California, where Church of Christ). Life-long
ILubbock’s leading ladies, Nellie their first-born, friendships formed, such
Cunningham Langford. Her family David, arrived in as with Lon and Gertrude
moved to Dexter, New Mexico. 1955. A couple of Miller and Kline and Leona
While there, her father, Oscar, years later, Daniel Nall. Tom felt a stirring in
accepted a position teaching music was born, but he his heart regarding church
at Kerrville (TX) Bible Institute. A lived only a brief unity and took part in
young man named Tom attended time. Natasha forums across the country
KBI, and he and Oscar became joined the family that "explored beliefs
close friends, never suspecting in 1958. Eventually, beyond our brotherhood."
they would one day become they transferred That passion became a focus
family. Nellie’s courtship with Tom to Lubbock where for the remainder of his life.
Langford began when he traveled to Tom taught English
Dexter to visit Oscar. Their “dating” Literature at Tech. He then moved In 1967, the Langfords moved
consisted of those occasional visits the family to Fort Worth to work to Washington, D.C. Tom had
and many love letters. They married on his Ph.D. at TCU. It was during been selected as the Texas Tech
on August 7, 1953, launching a that season that they experienced representative to work (along with
beautiful life together. the worst day of their lives with the others) as a liaison between higher
tragic death of their beloved five- education and government. One
year-old Natasha. Nellie states, of the highlights of that year was
"I've read everything possible a reception at the White House
regarding grief, but I still can't for the Duke of Austria. But it was
talk about it." also the peak of the civil rights
movement, and the country had
The Langfords returned to endured grievous unrest as well as
Lubbock in 1965, and Tom again the tragic assassinations of Martin
taught English Literature at Luther King Jr. and Robert Kennedy.
Tech. Curt was born soon after. Tom and Nellie were honored to
Tom and Nellie worshipped at attend the memorial services of both
Memphis Avenue Church of leaders.
24 Lubbock Senior Link