Page 27 - Senior Link Magazine Winter 2022 - Online Magazine
P. 27
History of
By Glenys Young
was appointed to the Texas Tech
Board of Directors. Over the next 12
years, Hinn would become known
for his work on the board’s Building
Committee, where he collaborated
with university officials to plan and
supervise the construction of several
major campus facilities, including
the current University Library, the
School of Law, the Museum of Texas
Tech and half a dozen residence
halls. But perhaps most notable
was his contribution to the Carol of
he event marks the official watching their children frantically
kick-off of the University’s wave at the Masked Rider, to Only two years into his term, Hinn
TCentennial Celebration. standing beside their teenagers took a trip to Kansas City, where he
who would soon be Red Raiders was wowed by the Plaza Lights—
Today, Texas Tech University’s themselves. then four square blocks of the
annual Carol of Lights brings to downtown shopping district decked
mind a scene of wonder: thousands It's such an integral part of the Texas out with Christmas lights every
of people coming together under the Tech experience now that many year. With the Plaza’s iconic Spanish
West Texas stars to sing Christmas forget, it wasn’t always this way. architecture, it is no surprise that
songs, huddling against the brisk Hinn was reminded of Texas Tech
winter air. As the key moment nears, Seven decades ago, Christmas at and was inspired to bring the idea
the crowd falls silent in anticipation. Texas Tech was a much different here.
Then, in one magical instant, the observance. In the 1950s, Gene
illumination of 25,000 red, white, Hemmle, chairman of the Music
and orange lights draws gasps and Department, gathered students in
cheers from participants. the Science Quadrangle, where they
sang carols, enjoyed cookies and hot
The meaning differs from person chocolate, and that was pretty much
to person. For some, it’s where they it.
became engaged to their future
spouse—a moment frozen in time. But in 1959, all that changed.
Others recount the successive years You see, in 1957, a Plainview
of attendance by their family, from businessman named Harold Hinn
toting infants through the crowd, to
Lubbock Senior Link 27