Page 18 - Senior Link Magazine Winter 2022 - Online Magazine
P. 18
David & Marella Elder
by Kristi Elder
I November 29, 1952,
am so grateful to have such
Marella Tabery was
incredible grandparents.
They are an amazing
to a Cuban mother
example of a faithful, caring, born in Mississippi
and impactful couple. They and a Czech father.
have shaped their lives from One year later, a
faith and hope, even through younger brother,
the many different challenges Ronald, joined the
they both faced and the family. At a young
different lifestyles they both age, the family
had before they married. I can't of four moved to the family moved to Hopewell,
believe how lucky I am to have Houston, Texas for a job their New Jersey. His mom was a
them as family. Dad took. They had a generally homemaker, and his dad was
simple life; their in the Air Force.
dad was an aircraft
mechanic, and their David and Marella met at
mom was an excellent a conference in Knoxville,
teacher. At the age Tennessee. Surprisingly, David
of nine, Marella later moved to Houston, Texas,
became a Christian, and joined the same church
not knowing that her Marella was then attending.
dad was an atheist, Knowing they had seen each
while her mom was other before, a friendship
a strong Christian. developed. After two years of
However, her Dad being friends, they dated and
never revealed this to were married in 1976. Then,
her until three weeks soon after their marriage, they
before his death, in moved to Lubbock, TX.
August 1981; only
then did he become a With love and lots of
Christian. grace, Marella and David
had six children: Daniel,
David Elder was born Sarah, Jonathan, Jordan,
March 26, 1954, in Ft. Julia, and Ryan. With her
Dix, New Jersey. A husband at work and being
few years later, he had a homeschooling mom, she
two younger sisters had to be tough. Six kids, six
(Terry and Edie), and ages, six grades, six challenges.
18 Lubbock Senior Link