Page 24 - Senior Link Magazine Fall 2022 - Online Magazine
P. 24
Emilia Maese “You Are Our Sunshine!”
As told to Jane Bromley by Emilia and her granddaughters
Shauna Kendrick & Christie Bownds
“Nothing!” she remembers. for over 60 years. Her enlistment
So, her brother would pump ended at Fort Sam Houston when
her a cup of cold water from she was discharged on Nov. 28,
the well, and they would 1945.
walk back to school, still very
hungry. Times were hard, Emilia met her husband,
and her granddaughters say Benjamin Maese, while they were
that, even now, Emilia really both still in the service. They
appreciates a good meal and married soon after the war ended
treasures nice things, like and started a family. The young
shoes, sweaters, and linens. couple moved into a little house
in Mesilla and had five children
Emilia completed three years between 1947 and 1955. But Ben
of high school in Las Cruces was needed at his family’s farm,
and then went to work for so he moved out, leaving the
a local dry cleaner. Then child-rearing to Emilia. He stayed
Pearl Harbor happened, and involved in his children’s lives,
America was engulfed in but the separation eventually
WWII. Emilia went to Santa led to divorce. Emilia found
Fe and enlisted in the newly work as a housekeeper for some
created Women’s Army wealthy families in the area
Corps (WAC) on August while raising her five children.
6, 1943. She was stationed And she discovered a faith in
at Army Air Corps Station God that carried her through
ust over a century ago and No. 8 (Keesler Air Base) in the hard times. “God was my
just across the Texas border Biloxi, Mississippi and assigned everything,” she said. Emilia
Jin New Mexico, Alfredo to clerical work. At times, when also worked in the cafeteria of
and Emiteria Duran welcomed the manpower was depleted, Las Cruces County Hospital, as a
daughter Emilia into their family. the women on housekeeper at
It was Oct. 13, 1920, and Alfredo base assumed the Coach Light
had recently returned from WWI. typically male- Inn, and in a
He owned a store in California based roles, jewelry store
before moving his family to like riveting until she retired.
New Mexico, where he became sheet metal onto
a beekeeper, marketing his local planes. Emilia Emilia is
honey. Emilia grew up with her was about to “Grandma”
two brothers, Alfred and Henry, be deployed to seven
in the small town of Mesilla on overseas when grandchildren,
the outskirts of Las Cruces. word came that nine great-
the war had grands, and
She is a member of the Greatest ended. She has five great-great-
Generation, but when the Great fond memories grandchildren,
Depression hit, Emilia was only of her service a role she
nine years old and not giving a and made has enjoyed
thought to her legacy. She has many lifelong for almost 50
recounted the story many times friends who years. Her
of walking home from school have continued granddaughters
with her brother at lunchtime to stay in touch testify to what
and finding no food to eat.
24 Lubbock Senior Link