Page 19 - Senior Link Magazine Fall 2022 - Online Magazine
P. 19



                                                                                Texas Tech


                                                                                Members and

              ince its founding, Texas Tech   tribute to our military service         incorporate a walkway plaque
              has established a proud         members and veterans.                   honoring Texas Tech Purple
         Slegacy of military service                                                  Heart recipients or those
          from World War II to the present    As illustrated on the artist’s          wounded or killed in action.
          day. As the university approaches   rendering, the following
          the milestone 2023 Centennial       enhancements will be incorporated:   Please join us in honoring the
          anniversary, Texas Tech has a       •   Texas Tech Military & Veterans   service and sacrifice of our Texas
          unique and exciting opportunity        Tribute Walk — On the grassy     Tech military and veterans. You
          to honor and remember the              area adjacent to the Pfluger     may purchase a brick, paver, or
          generations of Texas Tech military     fountain east side exterior,     bench at the following donor levels:
          service members and veterans who       between the two Medal of              -Red Brick, 4" x 8" (3 lines, 15
          have served to protect and defend      Honor monuments dedicated            characters/spaces per line) --
          our freedom.
                                                 in 2018, we will install a brick/    $300
          Memorial Circle has been an            paver walkway dedicated to all       -Cast stone Paver, 18" x 12" (7
          integral part of our campus            service members who attended         lines, 18 characters/spaces per
          since our beginning as a place to      Texas Tech.                          line.) -- $3,000
          remember and honor our fallen       •   Any Texas Tech alumni or
          service members and students.          affiliate who served in the          -Granite Bench, 60" x 17" (6
          In 1948, the Tech War Veterans         military may be represented          lines, 40 characters/spaces per
          Association dedicated this area to     (name, rank, services branch,        line) -- $25,000
          “All Whose Service Has Brought         dates) on a brick, paver, or
          Honor to College and Country”.         bench at the specified donation   The project is slated to be complete
          Located near the main campus           level.                           in 2023 in conjunction with Texas
          entrance, Memorial Circle is the                                        Tech's Centennial. If you have any
          most recognizable and appropriate   •   Non-military and the public     questions or would like to make
          location to honor the many Texas       may sponsor a Texas Tech         a purchase or simply donate to
          Tech military and veterans who         military or veteran, but all     this project, please contact Kyle
          have served our nation.                represented in the plaza will be   Chapman, President, Military
                                                 Texas Tech military and veteran   & Veterans Alumni Network
          With the full support of Texas         alumni or affiliates.            at mvcpresident@texastechalumni.
          Tech leadership, the Texas Tech                                         org or (806) 790-7632. This is your
          Alumni Association, and the         •   Additional points of interest for   opportunity to sponsor a Texas
          Texas Tech Military & Veterans         students and campus visitors     Tech military service member or
          Alumni Network, we are proud           will be provided.                veteran and commemorate their
          to announce plans to add a                                              service at the Texas Tech Military &
          complementary feature at            •   As the first Purple Heart       Veterans Tribute Walk.
          Memorial Circle that will pay          University in Texas, we will

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