Page 14 - Senior Link Magazine Fall 2022 - Online Magazine
P. 14

Colonel Lou Ortiz
                                  Retired             The Big Picture

                                                      by Cheryl Goforth

                                               Vietnam. They were a
                                               strong influence, and
                                               Lou always wanted
                                               to join the military.
                                               As a kid, he became
                                               fascinated with crop
                                               dusters and airplanes
                                               in general. He wanted
                                               to fly fighter planes,
                                               so after high school
                                               graduation, in 1978, he           15 years, he served as an Aircraft
                                               enlisted in the Air Force.        Logistics and Maintenance

                                               Lou’s first tour was at Bergstrom   Officer in F-15 fighter and EC130
                                               AFB, home of the RF-4             airborne command and control
                                               Reconnaissance Wing. Then he      aircraft squadrons. Although
                                               transferred to Bitburg, Germany,   not in the cockpit, it provided
                                               36th Fighter Wing, where he met   him with many leadership
                  ou grew up in Wilson,        Cheryl, who was working for the
                  Texas where everybody, in    military postal service. He said,   The Air Force is big on education,
            Lsome way, was connected           “It was a magnificent tour. We    and Lou took advantage of the
            to cotton farming. He recalls his   were in our early 20s, and you   opportunities, earning a master’s
            early years picking cotton, then   could go anywhere in Europe       degree and Juris Doctorate
            later spent his summer breaks      on a bus or train.” Lou and       from Texas Tech. His education
            from school “chopping” cotton      Cheryl married in 1982 and will   opened a lot of doors.
            (really weeds), “tromping” cotton   celebrate their 40th anniversary
            in the fall at harvest time and    this year.                        After passing the bar, Lou
            working at the gin.                Time was ticking away for Lou     returned to active duty, and
                                                                                 he, along with his wife and
            “It was your typical small-town    and his dream to become a pilot.   their two children, were sent to
            Texas upbringing; you could be     When he was stationed in South    Washington DC in September
            in sports, band, and FFA raising   Dakota, he went back to college   2001. He was still going through
            show barrows. Because it was       and earned a BBA degree in three   orientation at the Pentagon on
            such a small school, you had       years. Immediately, he applied    Sept. 11 when American Airlines
            all these opportunities, which     for Officer Training School, was   Flight 77 crashed into the
            was great. At the same time, you   selected, and then commissioned   building.
            knew there was a bigger world      as a 2nd Lieutenant.
            out there, so you always wonder    He had one more hurdle, the       “After 9/11, we were working all
            how competitive you are in the     eye exam, and then off to the     the Title 10 United States Code
            world at large. The good news      wild blue yonder. However,        laws and policy provisions that
            is what you find out when you      when he went to take his flight   had been in place forever. The
            go out into the world is that you   physical, he couldn’t pass the   way we mobilized forces prior
            are just as competitive as the next   eye exam. He was color blind—  to 9/11 was totally different than
            person,” said Lou.                 not completely, but enough to     how we did it afterward. All that
                                                                                 had to be changed to adapt to
            Like many West Texas towns,        disqualify him from flying.       new threats and then had to be
            Wilson had many veterans—          At that juncture, he had to choose   blessed by Congress.”
            some from WWII, Korea, and         something else. So, for the next

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