Page 17 - Senior Link Magazine Fall 2022 - Online Magazine
P. 17

Air Force
             Col. Lockhart has logged just over   graduation,
             26 days is space, realizing his    he was
             dream of seeing what is beyond     assigned
             the big skies. He was the pilot    to the                                         PEMDAS is the
             of the Space Shuttle Endeavor for   Pentagon.                                     creation of its
             STS-111 and STS-113, both to the   The Air                                        highly talented and
             International Space Station and    Force                                          capable CEO, Mary
             totaling 11.5 million miles.       benefitted                                     Lockhart. Daughter
                                                from his                                       Marisa is a systems
             When fellow Red Raider Rick        expertise                                      engineer in Boston.
             Husband was named Commander        for two                                        Daughter Jenna and
             for STS-107 in 2003, Paul thought   years before                                  her husband live
             he’d be chosen as pilot because    he retired in 2007. He returned    close by, along with three little
             of their longtime friendship.      to NASA as a Special Assistant     granddaughters. The obstetrician
             Instead, his NASA classmate,       for a year before commencing a     who delivered the newborn
             Willie McCool, was selected. The   successful career in the private   twins is a former Red Raider who
             loss of the Space Shuttle Columbia   sector.                          happily and strategically placed
             hit the country hard, but for Paul                                    a jar of Texas dirt under them as
             and Mary, it was a deeply tragic   Currently, Paul serves as          they were born. It is the same jar
             personal loss.                     Director of Engineering for        of dirt given to Paul and Mary by
                                                PEMDAS Technologies, an            Texas State Representative John
             In 2005, he left NASA and          innovative company helping         Smithee of Amarillo and placed
             returned to the Air Force and      clients like the DoD and Army      under Jenna and Marisa when
             a year at the Royal College of     Special Operations incorporate     they were born.
             Defense Studies in London. After   Environmental Intelligence (EI).

                                                                                             Lubbock Senior Link   17
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