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P. 104



                             Flanders Fields

                              by Bari Wenglein

                              Hospice of Lubbock Volunteer Service Coordinator and
                              Chairman of We Honor Veterans Committee

                                     orld War I,         and civilians were killed,   soldiers every day. He was
                                     also known as       resulting in the worst mass   surrounded by the dead and
                             Wthe Great War,             killing the world had ever   the dying. In a letter written
                             began in 1914 after the     seen.                      to his mother, McCrae
                             assassination of Archduke                              described the battle as a
                             Franz Ferdinand of Austria.   Countless articles and   nightmare:
                             His murder catapulted the   stories emerged from those
                             world into a war across     who experienced trauma     “For seventeen days and
                             Europe that lasted until    from the Great War. One of   seventeen nights none of us
                             1918.                       these was the famous “In   have had our clothes off,
                                                         Flanders Fields” war poem,   nor our boots even, except
                             Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria,   written by Lieutenant-    occasionally. In all that
                             Germany, and the Ottoman    Colonel John McCrae, a     time while I was awake,
                             Empire, known as the        Canadian doctor, soldier,   gunfire and rifle fire never
                             Central Powers, fought      and poet.                  ceased for sixty seconds ...
                             against the Allied Powers,                             And behind it all was the
                             consisting of France, Russia,   McCrae fought in the   constant background of
                             Italy, Canada, Great Britain,   Second Battle of Ypres   the sights of the dead, the
                             Japan, Romania, and the     in the Flanders region of   wounded, the maimed, and
                             United States.              Belgium, where the German   a terrible anxiety lest the
                                                         army launched one of the   line should give way.”
                             Unlike other wars before    first chemical attacks in
                             it, the Great War presented   the history of war. They   Exhausted and weary,
                             the horrific combat style of   attacked French positions   McCrae found comfort in
                             trench warfare, introduced   north of the Canadians with   his poetic writing to help
                             the use of deadly           chlorine gas on April 22,   deal with the grief and
                             machinery, and launched     1915, but were unable to   trauma from the death of
                             the use of poison gas.      break through the Canadian   Alexis Helmer, his close
                                                         line, which held for over   friend who was killed
                             Although the Allied Powers   two weeks. In the trenches,   in battle on May 2, 1915.
                             were victorious, more       John McCrae tended         Because a chaplain was
                             than 16 million troops      hundreds of wounded        not available, Dr. McCrae

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