Page 102 - Senior Link Magazine Fall 2022 - Online Magazine
P. 102


             Love, Norm:

             Inspiration of a                                                               Dr. Shulman’s
             Jewish American                                                                compilation
                                                                                            repeatedly illustrates
             Fighter Pilot                                                                  resilience and

                                                                                            inspires readers
             by Dr. Norm Shulman                                                            with the stories of
                                                                                            people who faced
                                                                                            great adversity,
                                                                                            undeserved scrutiny,
                                                                                            and anti-Semitic
            In Love, Norm, Dr. Norman                                                       prejudice. It
            Shulman, Lubbock psychologist,                                                  encourages readers
            shares his own life experiences   Colonel Jack Jacobs, who saved    to learn from trials and hardship,
            learning about and coping with    fourteen soldiers while taking    while not relinquishing one’s
            anti-Semitism in letters he wrote   fire in South Vietnam in 1968.   identity. He shines a light on
            to his stepson, Greg Levenson     Readers are introduced to Airman   Jewish traditions and customs,
            (1996 graduate of Lubbock High    First Class John L. Levitow,      giving readers a glimpse into
            School), who was experiencing     who saved his AC-47 during        what it is like to be a Jewish
            spiritual isolation in the United   an attack by flinging his body   American and how it molded
            States Air Force. Dr. Shulman     onto a lighted flare in the cargo   the author into the person he is
            encourages his stepson, while     compartment and throwing it out   today.
            he is in fighter pilot training, by   of the airplane before it exploded.
            incorporating his love of history,   Dr. Shulman shares the stories   This book is for anyone who has
            through stories of great Jewish   of many Jewish military heroes    faced difficult times, especially
            military heroes who experienced   who showed selfless dedication to   discrimination, but it can help
            prejudice.                        the people they swore to protect.   all readers identify with some of
                                              Their inspiring and life-altering   the challenging experiences their
            Dr. Shulman introduces readers    stories serve to dismantle the    fellow human beings face.
            to Jewish military heroes, such   long-held stereotype of Jewish
            as Mordechai Aneilewicz, who,     reluctance to engage in combat.
            instead of fleeing Poland in
            the 1940s, created the Jewish
            Combat Organization made up                            BOOK REVIEW by
            of survivors who fought back                           Rachel Bloodworth
            against the Nazis. He shares the
            story of Medal of Honor recipient,
                                                                   Rachel Bloodworth is a
                                                                   Lubbock native and a
                                                                   Texas Tech University
                                                                   alum. She is an assistant
                              Love, Norm                           director in the University
                              Inspiration of a Jewish              Studies program during the day but is an
                              American Fighter Pilot               avid reader at night and on the weekends!
                                                                   Rachel’s love for reading started at a young
                              by Norman M. Shulman                 age but was fostered by her incredible
                                                                   teachers and librarians here in Lubbock.
                              $26.95 paperback                     Rachel not only does reviews for Lubbock
                              $32.95 hardcover                     Senior Link Magazine but also reviews books
                              eBook also available                 on her Instagram page
                                                                   and on her book blog, therachreviews.
                              Order at

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