Page 56 - Lubbock Senior Link Magazine Summer 2022 - Online Magazine
P. 56
own woRds by Sydney Wenglein,
e see them every day— express how those calls affected me struggles and battles, but we always
on our roads, in our is the best way I have found to deal try to do our best. We show up
Wneighborhoods, protecting with those tough days. every day because we care for our
and serving our community. It’s community. We are trying to keep
certainly hard to miss them when Alex: I try hard to make time it together for you and ourselves.
they are traveling with the “wee for myself, to do things I enjoy, Please be patient with us.
woos” sounding and bright red and including activities that offer a
blues flashing. physical outlet to help me process What are some skills you’ve learned
my thoughts—like building that are applicable outside of work:
During the pandemic, the need for terrariums, cleaning, organizing,
these unsung heroes has increased and watching TV shows with my Alex: I’ve learned how to remain
tremendously. It is important to wife. I also MUST be able to talk, to calm in an acute, high-stress
show our appreciation for them and let out the feelings on some of those situation, and I’ve learned how to
give them our utmost respect and traumatic calls. If I try to keep the read body language and notice subtle
gratitude. They serve selflessly and feelings in, it builds up.... It’s ok for verbal cues. I’m more observant
are often underpaid. me to feel what I feel; but when I’m about people and the environment
done, I’m done. I have to be able to because of this work.
I recently had the chance to visit with compartmentalize the feelings so I
two first responders, Alex Crane and can continue in my job. Scott: Other than the medical skills,
Scott Cravey. Cravey is a firefighter being a firefighter has taught me
for the Carlisle Fire Department and One thing you want people to know how to better equip my house for
a paramedic for UMC. Crane is an about first responders: fire prevention. I’m also able to
Advanced EMT for Lynn County. share that knowledge with family
Scott: One thing I would like the and friends to help reduce their risk
I asked them about how they public to remember is that we are of a house fire. I have also learned
manage long (12-hour) shifts and human, too. We have emotions, a lot [more about] electrical work,
how they take care of themselves: stress, families. We have bad days plumbing, and building construction.
and good days just like they do.
Scott: Being able to go home and We don’t have superpowers to be Do you feel first responders are
decompress by spending time able to be constantly ridiculed, spit adequately equipped with mental
with my wife is the best medicine on, yelled at and cursed at without health resources?
after a long shift.... Being able to getting upset.
do what I love (BBQing, working Alex: Honestly, no. It isn’t really
out, spending time with family and Alex: We are trying. First responders talked about unless you get to
friends) and being able to talk about are some of the most selfless people a breaking point. Mental health
what happened during the day and on earth, and we have our own professionals are expensive, and
56 Lubbock Senior Link