Page 44 - Lubbock Senior Link Magazine Summer 2022 - Online Magazine
P. 44
by Larry Renfro
had never really thought much worked with. They are more than Lubbock firefighter. His love for his
about becoming a fireman until just people you work with; you fight country is beyond the normal. He
I my wife, Pearl, became pregnant fires with them, eat meals with them, taught me daily how to be a patriotic
with our first child in 1973. I then spend one full day out of three with American and basically how to be a
realized I needed a career where I them, even spend holidays with good person. Thank you, Dad, for
could support a family. I had been them. They literally become your all you have done and taught me.
considering my options but hadn't family. The thing I miss most in
come to any conclusions. About that retirement is seeing those people on Now for the memory: I was a boy
same time, our washing machine a regular basis. around 10 years old when the United
broke, and we called a repairman. Supermarket caught fire. My mom,
As it turned out, the repairman was As far as how my career choice sister and I drove by the fire, and
Jerry Kelley, who was working his has affected me, they say a fireman my dad was on shift. I remember
days off from the Fire Department. misses 1/3 of his family's life, but it my mom saying, 'There is your dad
After his encouragement, I decided is really greater than that because in the snorkel.’ At that moment, he
to sign up for the test. Early in 1973, most work a second job. I have was bigger than life. It helped that
God blessed me with a call to come missed many ball games, dance the ice cream sandwiches couldn't
to work as a Lubbock firefighter. recitals, band events, etc. As far
as how it affected my children
There's nothing that compares and wife, here it is in their own
to the adrenaline rush you get words:
when the alarm goes off, and you
jump on the engine, headed to the My son, Chris Renfro:
emergency, with lights flashing and "There is a memory that stands
sirens blaring. During my 27-year out in my mind in regards to
career, there were many times I was my dad. Every young boy
concerned about my safety and the has a hero in life; some wear
safety of my crew. Besides being capes, have super powers or
able to help people in their time just simply fight crime. My dad
of need, my greatest experience was my hero growing up for
was being part of a "family" in the so many reasons. He served
department. I made many wonderful in Vietnam and was wounded.
friends with the men and women I He came home and became a
44 Lubbock Senior Link