Page 56 - Senior Link Magazine Spring 2022 - Online Magazine
P. 56
Together farm, where he and Cheryl began
with God their marriage journey together.
Soon after, Eddie was drafted and
spent two years in the army in Fort
Rucker, Alabama, securing top-
secret clearance for duty overseas.
Eddie and Cheryl Teeter (The assignment never materialized
because of the timely birth of their
firstborn son.) After the service, it
by Ted and Jody Wilson was back to the farm, where they
raised crops, cattle, and three sons –
Monty, Wesley, and Rusty.
Eddie and Cheryl had grown
up very differently. Cheryl was
raised on that farm in Lockney,
a stable upbringing with lifelong
friends. Eddie’s family had moved
frequently, so deep friendships
weren’t easy to come by. After
settling into farm life, Eddie enjoyed
building strong relationships. He
joined Cheryl as a member of the
Methodist Church in Lockney, and
both have been extremely active in
leadership roles in the congregation,
including teaching Sunday School,
throughout their lives together. After
attending Emmaus Walks in 1991,
their relationship with Christ was
hen Cheryl Rucker saw LeNora Teeter, who ministered in “set on fire”. Cheryl meets regularly
Eddie Teeter at her dorm Oklahoma and later Texas. After with some ladies who gather to pray,
Wat McMurry College many relocations, Eddie spent his a group born out of that weekend
in Abilene, she thought, “What a last two years of high school in Tulsa, over thirty years ago. The Teeters
hunk!” Eddie had accompanied his where he graduated. Such is the life have a heart for pastors, since Eddie
roommate to visit Cheryl’s sister of a Methodist preacher’s kid, who had experienced that challenging life
Gayle. Later that week, Cheryl moved to new towns, congregations, growing up and because one of their
found a long line at the dining hall and schools every few years. After sons is in the ministry, now, too.
but, at the door, stood Eddie. He high school, Eddie enrolled at They have also been active in the
informed those behind him that he McMurry, which set up the divine community of Lockney. Eddie
was letting her cut in line, secured a encounter with his future bride. has been a member of the school
date for Friday night, and 57 years board, fair board, and Farm Bureau,
of marriage later, that first attraction After graduating from college, the and president of the Texas Young
has not waned. couple was married on a Saturday,
honeymooned in Lubbock on Farmers and Ranchers and LHS
Eddie is one of six children born Sunday, and, on Monday, he was Booster Club. Cheryl has been active
to Bonner, a Methodist pastor, and back at work on the Rucker family in the El Penseroso Study Club.
56 Lubbock Senior Link