Page 60 - Senior Link Magazine Spring 2022 - Online Magazine
P. 60

Kenneth Brownfield

                                                               by Larry Williams

                                                   at what became Cooper         Airfield and went to aircraft
                                                   Rural High School.” (That     mechanic’s school. Between
                                                   school was built in 1936      classes, I went to the flight line
                                                   and consolidated the rural    and learned to change spark
                                                   schools of Slide, Barton,     plugs on a B-17. We were
                                                   Woodrow, New Hope, and        rebuilding planes from the
                                                   Union.)                       European Theater that had been
                                                                                 shot up and in need of repair.
                                                   Ken attended Texas Tech       I learned the principles of the
                                                   in the fall of 1944 while     internal combustion engine and
                                                   in the Army Reserve Pilot     how to repair holes in sheet metal
                                                   Program.  He had enlisted     and replace rivets. I passed some
                                                   in June at the age of 17      more tests, including electrician,
                                                   and was called up late        so I moved to working on B-29s
                                                   in 1944 and sent to Ft.       which had much more wiring.
                                                   Bliss. “We were put on a
                                                   boxcar, and it took us three   “Late in 1945, the Army came out
                                                   days to get to Sheppard       with a plan that would guarantee
                                                   Airfield in Wichita Falls.    that you could go with a buddy
                                                   We were considered cadets,    somewhere on duty, so Sweeny
                   n a farm nine miles             (potential officers). We      and I signed up to go to Europe.
                   from Snyder, Texas,         had inspections every day and     We made our decision to re-
            OKenneth Brownfield, the           marched from one place to the     enlist, but then we were told that
            first of four sons was born to     other. I wanted to fly. We went   we were Air Corps surplus and
            Andrew and Erma Brownfield         into Link Trainers to learn how to   given an honorable discharge.
            in 1926. Two years later, Andrew   fly but never got off the ground.   I changed into civilian clothes
            moved his young family to near     We did ‘crash’ a few. If you      right then and there and went to
            Woodrow. The flat West Texas       crashed, you weren’t going to be   see my girl, Ernees Deering in
            landscape provided the backdrop    a pilot.                          Woodrow. I had never gotten off
            to a solidly “grounded” life.                                        the ground!
                                               “The day after the war was
            Everyone in the family had to      over, they called us into a
            help with the farming. “When       big hangar and washed us
            I was four years old, Dad’s arm    out.  They had ‘other details
            was crushed, and he had a buddy    for us.’ I knew what that
            move in with us to help us put     meant. I didn’t want to be
            up the land (get the fields ready   out picking up cigarette
            to plant).                         butts and cleaning latrines. I
                                               went into the headquarters
            “I became ‘mom’s girl’. Since      building and asked a
            she also had to help with          sergeant if he had any other
            the farming, I learned to do       jobs for me.”
            everything around the house,
            like cooking and cleaning. We      Ken was assigned to
            lived three miles from school      Personnel, and “I was able
            (Woodrow), and I had to walk       to look at all the jobs the
            there for a couple of years. I     Air Corps had and saw a
            attended Union school for a        mechanic job opening, so
            time and went to high school       I sent myself to Amarillo

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