Page 73 - Senior Link Magazine Winter 2021- Online Magazine
P. 73


            the           Carpenter

                                                                        by Jess Peterson

        I wrote the following poem over twenty years ago. It   But, as I hope the poem reminds
        may not be the best in poetic composition, but it still   you, we’re not the only busy ones
        touches me to read it. I hope it touches you as well.  at Christmas. God is much busier
                                                               than we are. And while we are
                                                               resting after the “shop is closed,”
          The shop is closed for Christmas.                    He continues at work. There’s no           Inspiration
          All the workers have gone home                       question to most of us that our
          To celebrate with each family the joys that they     world is messed up these days.
          have known.                                          There’s scarcely a place to look or
          But The Carpenter remains behind,                    turn that we don’t see something,
          Alone in a dim-lit room,                             someone in disarray. Our
          Examining His creations and the work that is         politicians tell us that they are
          yet to be done.                                      going to fix it, but we know that

                                                               they can’t. Only God can fix what
          One will need some sanding,                          Satan has messed up. And after
          Another a polishing job,                             the “shop is closed”, He stays
          A third must be put back together again,             busily at work polishing, sanding,
          For the old wood has started to rot.                 painting, repairing, shining His
                                                               light on a broken world.
          Still others will need a Master's touch,
          With a sense of His loving care,                     So, let’s open our hearts and
          As He wisely applies with the smallest brush         minds this holiday season to
          The right color where the wood is now bare.          a Child, to a Carpenter, to a
                                                               King—and to the wonders of
          So as the shop is closed for Christmas,              His mercy and grace—and let
          And the workers have all gone home,                  Him mend our broken lives! …
          Look for The Carpenter to lift up your life          Oh, and remember, God will be
          And caress you as His own.                           around after Christmas as well to
                                                               help with whatever went wrong
          For The Carpenter always remains at His work,        during the holidays.
          And if we look through the dim of the night,
          We can see Him putting us together again             God bless you and yours
          And making us shine in His light.                    throughout this beautiful season!

          And so, as you celebrate Christmas,
          Remember the rough-hewn hands
          Of the One who came as a Child, now a King,
          He Who leads us to heavenly lands.

        The holidays can be extremely busy times for us—
        putting up lights and decorations, shopping for that
        perfect gift, cooking those special meals, getting together
        with friends, enjoying concerts and special events,
        attending church services, and spending time with
        family. It tires me just to write it all down. And my list is
        probably not exhaustive. I wonder sometimes where we
        find the time for rest. And maybe even where we find the
        time for life during these hectic days. I don’t know how
        my wife and I got through it all before we retired.

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