Page 22 - Senior Link Magazine Summer 2021- Online Magazine
P. 22


        HISTORY OF



          by Rebekah Crowe                        and built a “soddy” along

                                                  Running Water Draw, near a
                                                  grove of hackberry trees. He
                                                  later insisted, in a letter to his
                                                  son, William, that he was both
                                                  the first permanent resident of
                                                  Plainview and the person who
                                                  gave the town its name.
                                                  E. L. Lowe travelled by wagon    The student body poses in front of Wayland
                                                  train from Arkansas with his     Baptist University. (Date unknown)
          The Plainview & Lubbock Stagecoach pulled by
          mules - 1907 (The 45 mile trip took a whole day.)  daughter, Jane, in the spring   Hoping to encourage commerce
                                                  of 1888, having buried his wife   and population, local citizens spent
                                                  and son along the trail.  Jane
               s part of the national        later recounted that, while the stop   a few years raising funds after the
               celebration of 100 years of   bore the name Up-On-The-Draw         turn of the twentieth century and
        AUnited States’ nationhood,          at the time, her dad renamed it      successfully enticed the Santa Fe
        the Texas State Legislature divided   Plainview because he could see for   Railroad to build a depot in town.
        the Panhandle, which had been        a long distance without anything     The first train arrived on December
        – since the days of the Lone Star    blocking his view.  The properties of   31, 1906.
        Republic – part of an enormous       these two men divided north/south
        Bexar County, into fifty “Centennial   through what is now Courthouse     In September of that year, the
        Counties.” One of those, Hale        Square.  Hale County held its first   Central Plains College and Music
        County, was named after John C.      election in August 1888 and chose    Conservatory opened on a large
        Hale, who came from Virginia, by     Plainview as the county seat.        campus north of Plainview.  It served
        way of Louisiana; he had settled with                                     students from first grade through the
        his family in San Augustine County,   In November 1888, the first,        bachelor's degree as a co-educational
        while Texas still was a province of   temporary, Hale County courthouse   institution, with military training
        Mexico, before dying at the Battle of   opened across the street from     for all students. Originally affiliated
        San Jacinto in 1836.                 Courthouse Square, while             with the Holiness movement, the
                                                                                  local conference of the Methodist
                                             construction continued on the
        It took about a decade after the     permanent courthouse, which went     church took over the institution in
        county’s creation for any large      into operation in November 1892.     1909 as a junior college only and
        number of settlers to arrive in Hale   The first jail, a one-room “soddy”   changed the name to Seth Ward
        County.  There are conflicting stories,   at the corner of 5th Street and   College. When the girls’ dormitory
        both tied to and recounted by early   Baltimore, was replaced by a wood   and administration buildings were
        settlers, about how Plainview got    frame building next to the new       lost in a fire in the spring of 1916, the
        its name.  Z.T. Maxwell, already in   courthouse.  The courthouse burned   trustees voted to finish the academic
        nearby Floyd County, moved his       in 1911, and a new structure was     year and then close the institution.
        herd of sheep along what is now      rebuilt on the same site.
        Highway 70, in September 1886,                                            Dr. James Wayland founded a
                                                                                  Baptist, co-educational junior college

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