Page 8 - Senior Link Magazine Spring 2021- Online Magazine
P. 8


              Royce Bruce

              A Servant Leader

                                                by Jared Long

                   y grandfather, Royce Irvin
                   Bruce, was an exceptional
          Mman. He dedicated his life
          to blessing others. As a grandad, he
          also made time for every game, not
          just watching, but encouraging his
          grandchildren with all his heart. He
          made moving his schedule around
          for games look like an easy task, but
          we know it wasn’t. His children and
          grandchildren would always watch
          the stands, the gym doors, even the
          finish line, ready to see him cheering
          them on. He was going to be there,
          no matter what.

          Royce was passionate about all
          sports – basketball, football, and
          even fencing. After many knee
          injuries in football, he joined
          the fencing program at Texas        Royce always kept Regenia close to   was always a dedicated Red Raider
          Tech. Royce quickly mastered it,    his heart and loved her dearly to the   and a man who was passionate
          lettering in fencing. Being a fencing   very end. They had five amazing   about loving God. He was a part
          champion probably turned a few      children: Paige, Reagan, Dawn,      of FCA and High School Huddles,
          heads, including a beautiful girl   Victoria, and Leigh, my mother.     volunteering for all sorts of other
          named Regenia Ruth Baker. They      Royce was a great father, loving his   causes as well.
          had a love that you can’t buy, a love   children with all his heart, and that   The way my grandfather spoke
          you can’t force. On July 14, 1962,   love continued to pour out to his ten   about God was unlike anything I
          they were married, and after 58     grandchildren.                      had ever heard. He held the Lord
          years, their love was undimmed.     He had a career in Group Health     close to his heart and spoke about
          Their marriage was one people       Insurance with Blue Cross, serving   Him openly. The family always
          only dream of having, one that was   as District Manager, and he even   made time every Christmas to hear
          unrivaled by most.
                                              earned Salesperson of the Year in   him tell about the little Baby in
          During those 58 years, they were    Texas. He then opened The Master’s   Bethlehem. He would always speak
          both very involved in church,       Insurance Agency in Lubbock in      from the heart, word for word.
          always serving and helping others.   1976. He worked there successfully   Experiencing that with loved ones is
          Even through all the worries of life,   until his retirement in 2019. He   a memory that we will never forget.

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