Page 10 - Senior Link Magazine Spring 2021- Online Magazine
P. 10
Don Kinder sprint relays. When they started
Footsteps to Follow implementing their new strategy,
they destroyed their competition.
They would sometimes win by
100 meters because their handoffs
shaved off so much time. These days,
400-meter relay teams everywhere
by Ash Bumstead pass the baton in the same way my
H fennel seeds?” of aerospace engineering – his major wasn’t actually the first one to run
“ ave you ever heard of grandfather’s team did. While I’m
sure the Denver City track team
in college – is what first caused in such a way, I like to think that my
grandfather had a part to play in
engineering to catch my attention.
Most seventeen-year-olds might Now, as I head to college, planning developing what is now the standard
be caught off guard by such a to major in engineering, I remember technique. Today, I reap the rewards
random start to a conversation. In a back to when I was first intrigued by as I, too, have had the chance to be
conversation with my grandfather, the concept. Papa had presented me a part of the state 400-meter relay
Don Kinder – or Papa, as I know with a book of planes. As I flipped competition.
him – such questions are perfectly through the pages, he could tell me
normal. Papa loves Jesus. He loves the name and unique characteristics While I never saw Papa’s athleticism
his family and his country. He of each aircraft that flashed before in a competitive environment, I
loves to study and learn as much my eyes. I was fascinated, and it was have been amazed by his incredible,
as possible about a wide variety his knowledge and enthusiasm that lifelong commitment to health
of subjects. He is always learning, first sparked my interest! and fitness. His pantry is like a
always looking for a way to improve small health-food store, and his
himself - spirit, mind, and body. Our common ground is not limited to concoctions, recipes, and nutritional
faith and engineering. In high school, regimens are legendary to all
On this occasion, I was in the middle in Denver City, he took part in many who know him. His dedication
of my final cross-country season. activities including football and to a healthy diet is an important
My grandfather, also a runner and track. Having seen his athleticism as contributor to the excellent physical
a fitness and nutrition enthusiast, I’ve grown up, I have no doubt that condition he enjoys. When I go to
has a vast storehouse of knowledge he was a gifted competitor at my age. his house, he shows me the new
related to nutrition and physical He was part of a widely celebrated stretches he has learned and tells
performance. Fennel seeds, he told state champion football team as well me which muscles are engaged. One
me, have an extremely high nitrate as a part of a state-level 4x400m stretch that boggles my mind is his
concentration for their size. Nitrates, relay team. Because I was on a state one-legged squat. He will stick his
he went on, help to dilate the blood championship team in basketball, I other leg out in multiple different
vessels, allowing for increased like to think that ways to stretch
blood flow. “So,” he concluded, he has passed the different muscles,
“I thought you might want to try torch on to me. all while keeping his
eating a few fennel seeds before your balance. I tried to
race.” Knowing that my grandfather He told me that, follow his example
always does his research, I trusted during his high and try the stretch,
him instantly and bought some for school track but I simply could
my next race. In eight seasons, I days, no one ever not keep my balance
had never won a cross-country race used running and sit all the way
before. I finished first that weekend – exchanges for down on one foot
the weekend I ate fennel seeds. the 4x400-meter at the same time.
relay. One day, Although I am fairly
Papa has been an inspiration to as he was talking nimble and athletic,
me throughout my life. His love with his three there are times that
of God permeates everything he teammates, they Papa completely
does and comes out in most any realized it would one-ups me, even
conversation, and his knowledge of be much more though I am about
scripture has helped strengthen my efficient to execute fifty years younger.
own convictions. His agile mind has the handoff
stored countless scriptures in his in stride like I have witnessed
memory. Likewise, his description runners do in the determination and
10 Lubbock Senior Link
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