Page 13 - Senior Link Magazine Spring 2021- Online Magazine
P. 13
introduced to it by his friend Dr.
Bill McKinney, a neurologist who
showed great enthusiasm for
ultrasound. Dr. Blackwell was one
of the people McKinney chose to
partner with in bringing his vision
to life. While in medical school, Dr.
Blackwell’s interest was piqued by a
large, bulky crate that was used for
looking into arteries for blockages,
and he then began a research project
that led to his love for ultrasound.
He began generalized training and
became one of the first instructors
in sonology! He was offered a
job in Lubbock to set up the first
ultrasound clinic for Texas Tech.
From that moment, his passion for
the field has only increased, and still
today, he continues working as an
ultrasonologist for UMC.
Outside of his career, Dr. Blackwell enjoys music
When interviewing Dr. Blackwell, I was amazed by and is a very skilled photographer, with many of his
his adventurous spirit, and I decided to ask why he photographs hanging in hotels in Lubbock! Thanks
pursued a field that was so unknown. He replied to him, my mom has been able to stay in a job she
that he enjoys a challenge and is fond of gadgets, and loves for almost twenty years. Dr. Blackwell is always
there were plenty of new electronics in ultrasound. willing to help me and is currently putting together
Dr. Blackwell noted that he is astonished by the a virtual conference for my HOSA (Future Health
development of technology in the field since he first Professionals) group, so he can inspire young, aspiring
became an instructor. He is overjoyed to see how the medical students like myself. I desire to be like Dr.
technology has developed from a crate to units that Blackwell, a medical professional who goes above
allow ultrasound to be portable and the picture to be and beyond for his patients, students, and coworkers.
crystal clear. In addition to following the technological He is the finest example of a role model I know. He
advancements in the field, Dr. Blackwell enjoys the has witnessed and advanced astounding change and
constant learning and adaptation that comes with growth in the industry. More than that, he makes
being a sonologist and working with many wonderful the world a better place with his generous heart and
people who are skilled in their craft. adventurous spirit.
Article Submitted by
Amber Sena is a senior at Frenship High School. Her hobbies include singing, hanging
out with friends and family, and participating in school clubs. She appreciates the
fantastic leadership opportunities she has been given at Frenship such as, being the
FHS Health Occupations Students of America (HOSA) President and the Soprano Section
Leader for FHS Varsity Chorale; moreover, she enjoys being a member of clubs such as
Business Professionals of America, Choir Council, and National Honor Society because
she has made friends and expanded her interests throughout high school.
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