Page 37 - Senior Link Magazine Spring 2021- Online Magazine
P. 37


         with a key dangling in his hand,     hung out the
         we’d follow him up the outside       windows
         stairwell to our room. Once inside,   dancing in the
         Dad would locate the small black     breeze. When
         and white television and twist the   Willie Nelson’s
         dial through the fuzzy stations      “On the Road
         until he discovered “The Tonight     Again” came
         Show” with Johnny Carson. Mom        on the radio,
         would remind us to keep our socks    we’d sing every
         on because the carpet was dirty,     word as loudly
         always dirty at the roadside Motel 6.   as possible
         Listening to Johnny Carson’s jokes   because, at that                    Every time we were almost home,
         while we fought to stay awake as     moment, nothing else in the world           Dad would say, “Girls, look. This
         Dad laughed and Mom read her         mattered.  We were surrounded by    is God’s Country. There is nothing
         book was comforting. Soon we’d be    everything we loved the most. In    better than West Texas.”
         fast asleep.                         the front seat, Mom and Dad would
                                              glance at each other happily and just   When we outgrew our three-week
         Occasionally, as we drove the        smile.                              summer vacations, Dad wanted
         countryside, we’d stumble upon                                           us to have a weekend place to go
         a roadside fruit stand. We would     National Parks, Disneyland,         together as a family and later with
         stop for Bing cherries. Mom would    Disney World were all memorable     friends. Mom and Dad decided
         buy one bag to share since we were   destinations. and so were the       to purchase a lot in Ruidoso. Dad
         pinching every penny. With the       unexpected detours we took when     stayed in our pop-up camper while
         windows rolled down, we would        Mom would say, “Bobby, stop the     he built his vision of our cabin from
         toss our cherry pits while the radio   car. I just have to get out and see   his sketches. Mom decorated and
         played, and our little girl hands    what is in those stores.” But no    finished up the cabin’s interior to
                                                                matter how        make it feel like a home. It certainly
                                                                beautiful the     became our home away from home
                                                                mountains,        and is still a place we enjoy for
                                                                magnificent the   quick weekend getaways to the
                                                                monuments,        mountains.
                                                                impressive the
                                                                big cities, or    While many recall the baseball
                                                                peaceful the      games and the funny and inspiring
                                                                campgrounds,      stories the players tell, our favorite
                                                                Dad was always    adventures always began in our
                                                                clear how much    station wagon every summer.
                                                                he loved living
                                                                in Lubbock.

                                           MONTEREY HIGH SCHOOL BASEBALL TEAMS

                                                                                             Lubbock Senior Link
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