Page 42 - Senior Link Magazine Spring 2021- Online Magazine
P. 42



                                                      FROM      Ashes                               by Traci Payne

                                                                 Shirley Cleveland

                                                                paying your      Her eldest daughter, Linda, praised
                                                                bills. It was    her mom as a woman of virtue
                                                                probably these   who knows Who holds the key to
                                                                lessons that     the future. She said that, after her
                                                                attributed to    father died, she remembers seeing
                                                                her refusal of   her mother pray about getting into
                                                                government       cosmetology school.  Those prayers
                                                                assistance       were answered when Shirley
                                                                later in her life   became only the second black
                                                                when tragedy     woman to attend and graduate
                                                                struck.          from the Isabelle Powell Beauty
                    hen a friend and I        The light shines in the darkness and   School in Lubbock. In Shirley’s
                    were starting a prayer    the darkness has not overcome it. John   own words, “I was terrified, but I
           Wministry in our church,           1:5                                was determined to make a good
           we sought out the names of                                            living for my girls.” And that she
           people who were known for          The year was 1964, and Shirley     did.
           having a strong prayer life. Shirley   was married, with two young    The hard work paid off, but she
           Cleveland was one of those names.   daughters and expecting a third   wasn’t done. After working for
           Our first “date” was at Gardski’s   child. In the span of about a month,   different beauty shops in town,
           Loft, and I remember sitting across   Shirley’s husband was murdered,   Shirley overcame the odds once
           the booth from her and soaking     her 18-month-old daughter died of   again. Linda remembers her mom
           up each word as she shared         leukemia, and her house burned     praying about opening a beauty
           from a deep well of wisdom and     down. Any one of those events      shop in her garage, so she could
           experiences. I still feel the same   might have caused a person to turn   be there when LaChelle got home
           way nine years later.              away from God, despising Him,      from school. It was definitely not
                                              and to seek solace in any number
           Shirley was born in Mart, Texas,   of destructive avenues.            an easy task! Linda remembers
           on July 19, 1940, one of ten kids.                                    her mom filling out all kinds of
           Since her father was often ill, she   But not Shirley. She pressed in   paperwork, getting approval from
           fondly remembers getting to go to   more closely to God and, according   the city and, interestingly, getting
           work with her mom in the fields.   to LaChelle (the daughter born a   the OK and signatures of approval
           Although she wasn’t able to go     few months after these events),    from all of her neighbors. Those
           to school until cotton harvesting   “Her darkness became light to us.”   prayers were answered, and she
           season was over each year, she     She recounted that, as young girls,   worked out of her home for over 40
           learned valuable life lessons. Her   they were taught the importance   years. According to her daughter,
           mom’s words over young Shirley     of fasting and praying, tithing and   LaChelle, she set her standards
           still resonate in her today: “Your   giving offerings. Those lessons   of professionalism very high and
           word is your bond. It’s important.”   settled deep in both of Shirley’s   served doctors and attorneys, along
           She also recounted the lessons of   daughters, and they continue in   with countless other professional
           having a strong work ethic, being   these disciplines to this day, with   business people.
           responsible, fair and honest, and   countless testimonies of their own.

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