Page 32 - Senior Link Magazine Spring 2021- Online Magazine
P. 32

water nor electricity. Sue         Flight. Sue met her husband       had not been a big deal to her
           paralleled those times with the    at Texas Tech, and, during her    family; it was mainly to go see
           recent COVID quarantines. Last     sophomore year of college, they   family.
           spring, people were panicking      got married (1967). After college,
           over the shortage of toilet paper,   Sue pursued a career as a teacher,   Looking back on her life, some of
           but she said that she would just   and she thoroughly enjoyed being   her biggest achievements were
           make do because of what she had    around kids. Eventually, she had   her children because most of her
           experienced as a child and the     three boys of her own.            life revolved around them. “My
           strength it has given her in life.                                   philosophy is that you have to
                                              As her children got much older,   keep looking forward and not
           Growing up in a small town,        she decided to focus more on      back, you know, because every
           Sue was very involved in her       her career, so she went from      stage of life gives you different
           community and her high school.     being a high school classroom     twists and turns, and you can’t
           During her high school days, Sue   teacher to taking on the role of   dwell on things. I mean, after
           was a drum major in the band, on   administrator. After she retired   my husband’s death, I couldn’t
           the Annual staff, and a member of   from the school district, she went   just dwell on what had already
           Tri Hi Y, which was like a sorority.   to work for a foundation out of   happened. You can only try to
           She was also Homecoming Queen      Baltimore and traveled a lot. Sue   look forward and stay focused on
           her senior year, which really      had always wanted to travel,      what you’re trying to accomplish
           impressed me. Her graduating       so her job helped to satisfy that   next; that’s kind of what has kept
           class in high school was about 500.  longing. After she retired from   me going.” Her life’s philosophy
                                              her work with the foundation,     sounds like good advice to me.
           After she graduated high school in   she was able to travel a little bit   After all the uncertainty of this
           1965, she decided to attend Texas   for pleasure, specifically on some   past year, we should all look
           Tech University. In college, she   cruises. Before her husband’s     forward and stay focused on what
           was also very active and involved   death, she got to go to Ireland,   happens next.
           in the college community. She      and then after his death, she went
           pledged a sorority, Delta Delta    to Tuscany, Rome, and Scotland.
           Delta, and she also joined Angel   When she was younger, traveling

           Article Submitted by
           Clara Vee Dendy                                             LUBBOCK CHRISTIAN

              Clara Vee Dendy is the oldest daughter of Doug and Kristin Dendy and is a senior at
              Lubbock Christian School where she has attended for nine years. She has been involved
              in various athletic endeavors—cheerleading, softball, basketball, volleyball, track, and
              cross country—as well as NHS, HYPE (Helping Youth Purposefully Engage), student
              council,  and  student  leadership  in  her  church.  Clara  plans  on  attending  Texas  State
              University in the fall and will major in psychology.

           Lubbock Senior Link
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