Page 92 - Senior Link Magazine Fall 2020- Online Magazine
P. 92
Steve Morin, Jr. Remembering Steve,
Gold Star Mom, Audrey Morin
as told to Jane Bromley
Engineer Battalion in support
of Operation Iraq Freedom III.
He arrived in Camp Bucca,
Iraq with his platoon January
2005. As a member of the
Bravo Company Platoon
attached to 2-142 Infantry,
he participated in numerous
convoy escort and security
“In Iraq, the most important
thing to him was the safety
the regular Navy but stayed in of his men. He took many of
the Naval Reserves. He wanted the young men he led under his
to be close to his family, wing and helped them adjust
udrey Morin lost her especially his baby boy; he to military life. He listened
son Steve Morin, Jr. wanted to be there for him as to their problems and helped
Ain Iraq in 2005. Since he grew up. Steve would sit them as much as he could. He
then, she has spoken and him on his lap and read to him developed friendships and
written about him often, so from the Wall Street Journal. earned their trust and respect.
he won’t be forgotten. She Esteban didn’t understand He was a dedicated soldier, but
also speaks and writes on anything, but he loved the he also liked to joke around,
behalf of all Gold Star Families sound of his daddy’s voice. and his men loved him and
whenever asked because “it is valued his advice. He was a
incredibly important to each “Our son thought you could true leader.
family that their loved ones are never get enough education,
remembered and appreciated.” so he earned two degrees from “At home, he loved to go
Texas Tech. During Desert fishing and camping; he
“My most life changing event Storm, he volunteered several loved the Red Raiders, the
was losing my son. People may times, but the Navy kept telling Cowboys, the Spurs and the
be sad when they hear about him to wait. After 9/11 and 14 Navy football team. He was
a fallen soldier, but my loss years in the Navy, he left the a wonderful son and a loving
is something only a Gold Star Navy and joined the Army father and husband. He was a
mom would understand. To National Guard. hard worker and had worked
me, Steve was my happy baby at many different jobs. He
boy. He was a cute kid, and the “Because he switched branches, worked in the fields during
young man we raised. He went he had to take a lower rank. the watermelon harvest. He
to all the schools in Brownfield. He was scheduled to go to was a DJ and even the Santa
He played Little League and Officer Candidate School when Claus at the mall. He was an
football. He was a Boy Scout his men got orders to deploy Aviation Technician in the
and an altar server at our to Iraq. He could have stayed Navy, and he worked in the VA
church. When he graduated, behind to go to school but office in Lubbock. But the most
he went straight into the Navy decided to go with his men important job to him was being
and was eventually offered a instead. a military man. He loved our
position at the Naval Academy.
“Steve deployed in August 2004 country and put his life on the
“After he got married, he left with Bravo Company, 111th line for it willingly.”
92 Senior Link