Page 90 - Senior Link Magazine Fall 2020- Online Magazine
P. 90
Paul Bowen
Fulfilling Destiny
by Eddie Tubbs
platoon of as a mechanic on irrigation
the 101st motors.
534th With his training and a natural
Demolition talent for anything mechanical,
Team, he was quickly recognized as a
helping to master mechanic and, during
provide those hot summer months,
protection kept the wells pumping. As his
for the children grew and gave Yvonne
landing at and him families filled with
his small-town Indiana Inchon and grandchildren, Paul discovered
a passion that is alive and
boy, Paul Bowen, born its flank. Instead of building growing to this day. In 1989,
Tin 1936, was raised in a hospitals, he was part of an Paul went to work for a farmer
family of five brothers and five operation to set booby traps and named Paul Gore to maintain
sisters. A week before his high lay mine fields. The firefights and overhaul more irrigation
school graduation in 1952, at were numerous, and the odds motors. A few years later, he
the age of 17, Paul enlisted in always seemed to be against the moved from irrigation motors
the U. S. Army. His change of unit, but Paul can’t forget the and entered into a working
address was not that distant courage and devotion to each agreement with Paul Gore
from his Indiana home, but the other that carried them through to specialize in automotive
move to basic training at Fort the battle. restoration.
Campbell, Kentucky was a life- Paul discovered that a can of
changing experience. Spaghetti-Os or Beanie Weenies In two decades, Paul has
Soon, as a member of the 101st tastes best when heated over a restored over 200 cars from
various degrees of needed
Airborne, Paul found that the tank muffler or anything hot. restoration and 50 from ground
tradition and heritage of this The best thing that happened up off frame. In his work with
special unit was challenging in Korea was the day he heard Paul Gore, he has traveled
and rewarding. He was not the the Korean Armistice had been across the United States to find
first of his family to serve in the signed. and pick up cars in various
101st as his father had enlisted After his discharge in 1958, conditions. One of the best
at the beginning of World Paul met Yvonne Kaltz, moments for Paul is seeing
War II and fought at the siege whose folks owned a “Mom people light up when they see
of Bastogne during the Battle and Pop’s” cafe in Roseville, a classic car returned to its
of the Bulge in 1944. After Michigan. When he made his once hidden style and beauty.
basic, he completed training way up to Roseville, Yvonne It is nothing unusual for the
in demolition, mechanic, and would always have a
engineer schools. Paul thought hot breakfast ready for
his primary duty would be “to him. In 1973, with three
tear down bridges and build boys and a little girl in
hospitals,” but Uncle Sam had tow, they set off for the
other plans for him. farming community of
Within a few months after high Hartley in the panhandle
school graduation, Paul found of Texas, where Paul
himself in Korea, leading a would put to use his skills
90 Senior Link