Page 88 - Senior Link Magazine Fall 2020- Online Magazine
P. 88
Tom Garland
Merrill's Marauders: A WWII
Memoir of Tom Garland
by Kathy Garland
he traveled by growth. During one particularly
ship for over a intense fight, a soldier two
month without foxholes over from him got hit by
knowing where sniper fire. Tom wanted to help
he was going him, but as soon as he tried to get
or when he out of his foxhole, bullets flew at
would arrive. him, so he had to stay put.
Thirty-one days
across the Pacific Tom learned Intel and
Ocean included Reconnaissance scouting skills
showering with at Ft. Butler and trained in the
seawater, dodging West Texas mountains. On one
submarines, and occasion, he served as a lead
enduring ear- scout for General Stillwell,
deafening target Deputy Supreme Allied
practice from the Commander. Other times, he led
guns on the vessel. teams on patrol, searching for
Japanese soldiers who had fled
After reaching into the jungle.
" et out! Get out! Go, go, Bombay, India,
go!" shouted the sergeant he traveled on a hot, noisy, On August 2, 1944, after nearly
Gas the plane sped down packed train for three days and two months in battle, shrapnel
the runway following a fast nights, still not knowing his final from a Japanese grenade hit Tom
treetop approach into Myitkyina destination. When this part of while he was trying to clear out
Airfield, Northern Burma. After his journey ended, Tom expected a Japanese pillbox. As a doctor
jumping off the rolling plane, more training in jungle fighting examined him, a truckload of
Tom Garland and his fellow techniques. critically injured soldiers arrived.
soldiers ran into the jungle for The doctor knew he would need
cover and to regroup. However, after a hot breakfast, a to treat the seriously wounded
truck pulled up, and he and his first. He directed Tom to walk a
At age 19, this day, June 4, 1944, fellow soldiers received orders mile to the next medic tent. When
was Tom's first in battle. As part to pick up guns, ammo, and Tom arrived, a nurse patched
of the Army's 5307th Composite food rations, and get on a plane. him up and told him to get on a
Unit (Provisional), he was one of During the flight, they learned waiting plane. He was relieved
the replacements for soldiers lost of their destination and mission. because, until that moment, he
from the battle-worn, diseased- That was the same day they thought he would have to rejoin
ravaged Merrill's Marauders jumped from the rolling plane at the battle. Tom spent six weeks
elite fighting force. The Allied Myitkyina. in India, receiving medical
forces were in a fierce battle with treatment and rest, before
the Japanese over control of the Surrounded by flying bullets and returning to his unit.
airfield, a strategic location for soldiers crying for help, Tom
keeping Allied supply lines open. fought continuously for 52 days The battle for Myitkyina ended
in foxholes, rice paddies, tall August 3, 1944, when Allied
Before Tom arrived at Myitkyina, grass, swamps, and dense jungle Forces regained control of the
88 Senior Link