Page 30 - Senior Link Magazine Winter 2019- Online Magazine
P. 30

Doyle                  Nancy Lacy

         The Lacy Legacy

          by Their Grandchildren
                                              Nancy is a role model and
                                              inspiration to many, including my
                oyle and Nancy - when I       wife, which makes me very happy.
                hear their names, it often    Nothing really slows her down
         Dmeans good company and              either; she still coordinates almost
         chocolate pie. Over the years, I have   every family function we have. She
         spent a lot of time with Doyle - from   is the matriarch of our family, and
         “round the house projects” to just   I am so thankful to have her for a
         sitting with him at the table. I’d hear   grandmother. She has modeled for
         stories of all kinds - from when he   our family the enduring values that
         was a soldier, some from his days    are foundational in this indifferent   always sit on the couch together.
         in the oil field, others more light-  and ever-changing world.           To this day, he always smiles at
         hearted. I never had a grandfather,                                      her when she’s talking or telling
         so I am very fortunate to have       -Kevin Crow                         a funny story; he gives her a little
         Nancy and Doyle for my step-                                             “love tap” on the bottom and calls
         grandparents.                                                            her “Sweetie”. I once asked them
                                              It has always been amusing to       how they ended up together, how
         Doyle was thrown into adulthood      me to observe my grandparents’      they knew each other was “the one”.
         early, taking care of his siblings at   relationship. Grandmomma fusses   They both agreed that you don’t
         a young age. That must have been     at Granddad about this or that, like   know why you choose someone,
         difficult, but it didn’t hinder him. He   when he walks into the house with   that you just know - so you go for
         always knew what he had to do. I’ve   mud all over his shoes; she’d say,   it. They didn’t recount a list of 18
         witnessed his work ethic firsthand.   “Honey!!!”, and he would just laugh   different qualities each observed
         There doesn’t seem to be anything    with the biggest grin on his face. He   about the other before they were
         he can’t do. When you get Doyle      never could take a scolding without   married (and they were married
         Lacy involved in a project, nothing   laughing! That’s one of my favorite   pretty quickly). They just knew. So,
         can slow him down, and the day is    things about him. I always knew she   they went for it. I’m so glad they
         not over until the job is done. I have   loved him dearly.               did.
         tried to practice this principle, and it
         has brought me much success.         Whether watching a Cowboys          -Makenzie Brown
                                              game or an old western on TV, they

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