Page 28 - Senior Link Magazine Winter 2019- Online Magazine
P. 28

Jess              Chris Peterson

         What’s Their


            ess and Chris Peterson have been   Lubbock offered fewer
            married almost 46 years, and      places to go for dates in the
         Jyou might say that it was God       early ‘70s. Besides enjoying
         that brought them together.          devotionals and get-
                                              togethers with their friends,
         Jess grew up in Longview, Texas      Jess and Chris remember
         and attended Kilgore Jr. College     attending concerts like Rod
         before coming to Lubbock in the      McKuen. They also enjoyed
         fall of 1970 to attend Texas Tech.   just hanging out together at
         Chris was born in Hollis, Oklahoma   the Bible Chair or at Chris’s
         and lived part of her childhood      home.                               Broadway Church of Christ. They
         in Hobbs, New Mexico before she                                          honeymooned in Ruidoso and
         and her mother moved to Lubbock,     Jess worked evenings at what was    San Antonio and then headed to
         where she graduated from Lubbock     then the Book and Stationery Center,   Houston to look for an apartment.
         Christian High School. She spent     one of three places Tech students   Jess had been offered a job in the
         a year at Harding University in      could buy textbooks. Since the      accounting department of the oil
         Searcy, Arkansas before returning to   business was often slow at night,   and gas division of Allied Chemical.
         Lubbock to also attend Texas Tech.   Chris and other friends would       The two settled in to married
                                              occasionally drop by to visit while   life together. They were heavily
         Jess and Chris met at the Church of   Jess was dusting shelves or helping   involved in their church, including
         Christ student center (then known    the few customers. One evening,     directing the church bus ministry.
         as the Bible Chair, now Campus       Jess and Chris were together across   Chris had to return to Lubbock to
         Advance). They became part of the    a book counter from each other, and   complete her degree in elementary
         same group of friends who enjoyed    Jess told Chris he “thought he had   education the next fall, and Jess
         doing things together - especially   found who he wanted to marry.” It   drove back and forth four weekends
         playing croquet in the city parks.   was not a very romantic proposal,   in a row to be with her. After
                                              but they verified the next evening   completing her degree, she began
                                                               that they were     teaching in a minority elementary
                                                               engaged and        school in Houston.
                                                               began making
                                                               wedding plans.     Missing life in West Texas, Jess and
                                                                                  Chris moved back to Lubbock in
                                                               The two were       1975. Jess spent the next 16 years as
                                                               married on         a CPA or corporate controller. Chris
                                                               Jess’s parents’    taught in Lubbock public schools for
                                                               27th wedding       a couple of years before becoming a
                                                               anniversary,       stay-at-home mom to daughters Jill
                                                               December           and Amanda. Watching these two
                                                               22, 1972, at       beautiful girls grow into Christian

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