Page 29 - Senior Link Magazine Winter 2019- Online Magazine
P. 29
wives, mothers, and leaders has at their driveway
been a source of pride to them and was punctuated
through the years. by snakes hanging
on the chain-link
A big change came in 1991, when fences as the water
Jess accepted a position in full-time receded. There was
ministry as Education Minister at the time both fell into
Monterey Church of Christ. Chris a stream in South
worked alongside Jess, helping with Africa, and Chris
various programs, first in children’s lost her wedding
ministry and later in Senior Adult ring. Like everyone,
Ministry, when Jess added that the years held some
ministerial position to his load. Jess difficult times as
went back to school to get his MS in well: job changes, the
Gerontology from Abilene Christian challenge of raising
University and graduated in 1998. children, illnesses,
aging parents, a
That degree brought about another home invasion. But
career change. Jess became an all those things have brought them forward to more years of loving
Executive Director for both closer to each other and closer to each other, enjoying their children
retirement and assisted living God. and grandchildren, traveling, being
communities for the next 17 years. active in various endeavors, and
Chris also returned to full-time What’s the secret of a long marriage? serving Christ and His kingdom.
teaching, this time in Slaton, where Jess and Chris believe it starts with a
she taught kindergarten and later devotion to God. Their parents were
became the reading specialist. She good examples. Through the years,
continued to assist Jess with his they have learned
work with seniors, helping out at to give-and-take
special events when she could. with each other’s
faults. Both have
Jess and Chris are now both retired. even-tempered
She spends her time helping with and forgiving
their four grandchildren - Caroline, personalities.
Benjamin, Katharine, and Jack, ages Both are open to
15, 14, 9 and 2. Jess spends his hours continue learning
entertaining at senior communities, about life, about
women’s and civic clubs, and other each other,
local venues. (Check out his website about God. Very
at He importantly, both
also enjoys acting on the stage have allowed each
with Moonlight Musicals and does other to pursue
grant writing for Llano Estacado his/her own She’s always been the independent
Silver Star Board. Each is involved interests as well as
in different aspects of ministry at developing mutual type. We aim to keep her that way.
Green Lawn Church of Christ, and interests. And both
both enjoy traveling. They feel very have been there In-Home Senior Care Services
blessed that Jill and Amanda and for each other and • Personal care • Dementia and
their husbands, Jake and Andy, have counseled each • Companionship Alzheimer's care
settled in Lubbock with their kids. other when the and housekeeping • Safety solutions
chips were down. • Respite care
Forty-six years will inevitably (806) 687-7800
deliver a few interesting life The Petersons live 2517 74th Street, Lubbock, TX 79423
experiences. A flood in Houston a precious life Uplifting In-Home Care |
caused Jess’s car to stall out right together and look © 2019 CK Franchising, Inc. Most offices independently owned and operated. 0619
Lubbock Senior Link 29