Page 17 - Lubbock Senior Link Magazine Fall 2019- Online Magazine
P. 17

Gulf war Era
                                        his service specialty    a code for canceling his          army rEsErvE
                                        indicator of “general    deployment.
                                        medical officer”
                                        didn’t fit the Army’s    “I finally contacted our
                                        current medical          commanding officer and said I would rather just
                                        needs.                   go ahead and deploy,” Mitchell said. He was
                                                                 banking on the customary six-month volunteer
                                        As Desert Shield         deployment. Taking charge would allow
                                        escalated to Desert      Mitchell to return by summer when he was
                                        Storm, so did the        scheduled to begin as a staff physician at Cooper
                                        potential need for       Clinic in Dallas. The one drawback: his wife, Dr.
                                        medical services.        Janet Tornelli-Mitchell, was a couple of weeks
                                                                 away from delivering their first child.
                                        False alarms
                                        punctuated the           Mitchell’s deployment orders took longer
                                        next several days as     to process than the second phase of the Gulf
                                        Mitchell waited for      War. Bush declared a cease-fire Feb. 28 ending
             the call. The phone would ring. “This is Raging     Operation Desert Storm and deployment of U.S.
             Bull,” Mitchell would answer in approved code.      military personnel to the Middle East. The Iraqi
             “You have two hours to report,” came the reply.     government took two more months to accept the
             And then, in the middle of goodbyes, a second       cease-fire agreement, officially ending the Gulf
             call. “Raging Bull, the cow’s in the pasture,”      War on April 6, 1991.

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