Page 12 - Lubbock Senior Link Magazine Fall 2019- Online Magazine
P. 12

Elvin Howell
                                                               A Sailor Remembers

                                                               by Jane Bromley

                                                          be, but he has         sent to San Diego for officer
                                                          remarkable recall      training, then New Orleans
                                                          when it comes          for gunnery school. He was
                                                          to describing life     finally assigned to a base in
                                                          during his young       New York and boarded his
                                                          adult years.           first ship, an oil tanker - the
                                                                                 USS Cool Motor. They would
                                                          He met and             pick up their load on the
                                                          married Rena           east coast, travel through the
                                                          Southern at HSC.       Panama Canal and deliver
                                                          She was originally     the fuel to various places in
                                                          from Tennessee         the Pacific. The tankers were
                                                          but had relocated      always in danger because they
                                                          to West Texas by       were big targets for enemy
                                                          way of Tucumcari,      torpedoes.
                                                          NM. They married
                                                          in 1938, and Elvin     Some of the sailor’s happiest
                                                          got a job teaching     memories were the times
                                                          7  grade and           Rena was able to visit him
                                                          coaching junior        during his service. She had
                                                          high football in       followed him to New York
                                                          Kermit, Texas for
               t’s not unusual to              $135/month. Times were hard.      but went back to Amarillo
                                                                                 after he was deployed, got a
               encounter a senior who
            Ithinks there isn’t much to        The Depression continued to       job and bought a home. “Oil
                                                                                 tankers were in and out of
                                               make it difficult for families
            tell about his life story, but     to get by. Elvin and Rena         port quickly – maybe a day or
            when that story spans more         bought their first little house   two, but Rena had good luck
            than a century, it is elevated     in Kermit for $750, but he still   traveling to see me, and she
            to must-read status. Elvin         had to                                         was often able to
            Howell of Lubbock, formerly        borrow                                         visit while I was
            of Tulia, is still writing his     money to                                       in a port on the
            story. It began in January         pay for                                        east coast.”
            1914, before television,           furniture.
            refrigerators or ball-point                                                       While serving
            pens. It was even before the       After the                                      aboard the USAT
            War to End All Wars – WWI.         bombing                                        Cantigny and
                                               of Pearl                                       after making
            He grew up in Snyder, Texas        Harbor                                         stops at Guam
            and excelled in track at           in WWII,                                       and Ulithi, Ens.
            Snyder High School before          Elvin                                          Howell was on
            graduating in 1932. The            figured                                        his way back
            athletic young man went on         he would be drafted, so he        through the Panama Canal.
            to Hardin Simmons College          and a buddy drove to Dallas       It was May 8, 1945, and the
            in Abilene where he majored        to enlist in the US Navy. He      crew heard over the radio that
            in Physical Education. The         was sent to Warrensburg,          the Nazis had surrendered -
            now 105-year-old Mr. Howell        MO where he spent 1½ years        VE Day. The ship proceeded
            is aware that his memory           training recruits. He was         to the naval base at Corpus
            isn’t as good as it used to        commissioned an ensign and        Christi, Texas. While there,

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