Page 16 - Lubbock Senior Link Magazine Fall 2019- Online Magazine
P. 16
Dr. Tedd L. Mitchell
Called by Example
by Danette Baker
Mitchell was no stranger to you to know how to lead in
the military. His father served the field if you are the senior
in the Korean conflict and member left standing because,
his maternal grandfather in that case, you’re a soldier.”
in World War II. Mitchell’s
grandfather willingly Over the next couple of
shared stories about his years, Mitchell continued his
war experiences; however, residency training: working
Mitchell’s father rarely spoke 18-plus hour shifts throughout
about his. Mitchell held them the week and fulfilling reserve
both in high regard, admiring training requirements at the
their sacrifices – leaving hospital on the weekends,
families and careers behind – along with two weeks a year
to serve. Growing up, he often at the Army hospital. On
spoke with his parents about occasion, his commanding
the desire to serve, ultimately officer would send Mitchell
deciding to complete his to another unit to provide
academic career and medical medical education based on
n early August 1990, school first. his specialty.
America held its breath. On the eve of entering an Jan. 15, 1991. Mitchell was at
ICould the U.S. be on the internal medicine residency the 4005th for reserve duty.
brink of war? Unrest in the at the University of Texas The U.N. deadline for Hussein
Middle East captivated the Medical Branch in Galveston, to abandon Iraq’s military
world’s attention, including the time presence in
that of Dr. Tedd L. Mitchell, felt right. Kuwait came and
a captain in the U.S. Army Mitchell was went, and Bush
Reserve Medical Corps. commissioned signed legislation
The Gulf War: little-known as a captain authorizing the
U.S. to use military
places (Kuwait) and in the U.S. force against Iraq.
unfamiliar names (Saddam Army Reserve America was
Hussein) became household Medical officially at war.
phrases. On Aug. 28, the Corps.
Houston-based 4005th U.S. For medical “They had called
Army Hospital prepared for reservists, us all in and
deployment as Pres. George basic training were literally
H.W. Bush initiated a 200,000- looked very going down the
plus military personnel call- different; roster saying,
up to support Operation “basics” ‘Major so and so
Desert Shield. Their mission: focused on from Spokane,
supplement medical care at leadership and learning about Washington, you are not
Darnall Army Community military life. “As a member going home. Instead, you
Hospital in Fort Hood, Texas. of the medical corps, the are going to the USS Comfort,
Mitchell, then a resident at the Army is more interested in and so on,” Mitchell recalled.
University of Texas Medical a physician’s medical skills He, on the other hand, went
Branch Galveston, waited for than soldier skills,” Mitchell home. Because Mitchell
orders. explained. “But they want hadn’t completed residency,
16 Lubbock Senior Link