Page 45 - Senior Link Magazine Winter 2018- Online Magazine
P. 45
festivities and narrowly avoiding family. It was the way that my
each other, Mom and Dad finally dad, after making an offhanded
acquiesced on the day of the and dismissive remark would
wedding. Before Dad left Spokane follow Mom into the next room
to head home, the two decided and apologize in whispered
to write letters. Letters and two humility. It was the way my mom
visits; that was the entirety of their never treated Dad like a child who
courtship. Within a year, they were would be lost without her. At a
married. time when many women were
attempting to assert themselves
As romantic-comedy-worthy as after years of suppression, Mom
their meet-cute and blossoming never made Dad feel small in
order to level
the playing my mom makes sure that we never
field. It was let the tomatoes and bell peppers
the way my spoil on the vine. Any extra love
dad let Mom we have to give, she eagerly
spend herself extends to those without family or
on others but, friends. Now that I’ve moved away
from time to and am on the outside looking
time, gently in, their partnership astounds
reminded her me. Their love isn’t a drama. It’s
to stop - stop not a series of drastic measures
and rest and tied together to make a life. It’s
love herself steady. It’s constant. It’s deciding
well. It was every day that life has more to
the way my offer than what one person can
relationship was, that has always mom patiently waited, for years dream up alone. I think a lot about
been the least compelling part of and years, for my dad to see how the impact that kind of love can
their marriage to me. The magic much he could contribute to those have. That kind of love spans
of my parent’s partnership was in around him just by being himself. generations.
the small daily choices they made.
It was the little things that, over Throughout their life together, the
time, amounted to a shared history two have made space to operate in
and trust. It was the way my dad their fullest individual capacities.
would point out how Mom stood In doing so,
at the kitchen sink with one foot they have
propped on her opposite leg like balanced
a ballerina. Then, with no trace of each other
sarcasm or mockery, he would say, beautifully.
“Look at the way she stands to do My dad
the dishes. She’s so graceful.” focuses his
energy on
It was the way my mom nursed tending to
Dad’s grandparents during their our family,
earliest years of marriage. She like it’s a
went by every day to take care vegetable
of them, making his family her garden. And
Lubbock Senior Link 45