Page 44 - Senior Link Magazine Winter 2018- Online Magazine
P. 44

David                  Colleen Eppler

         That Kind of Love

          by Betsy Anderson

             t’s about 7:30 on a Friday       its pink, green, and blue top, I
             morning, and I’m sitting next    think about the time that went
         Ito my husband on the couch          into it. Like this blanket that
         drinking coffee. We share a quilt.   Luke and I share, our love,
         He puts his end over his feet, and   too, is an inheritance passed
         I pull mine up over my shoulders.    down from another generation.
         The tattered keepsake from my        Others paved the way, so we
         childhood is our favorite blanket in   could love the way we do. There
         the house. The Austin heat makes     is probably no one who has          Mom grew up in Spokane,
         heavier blankets unnecessary and     impacted Luke’s and my marriage     Washington. For most of his
         almost oppressive, depending on      more than my parents. Their love    life, her father was a typewriter
         the time of year. The thin cotton    story hasn’t been a fairytale, but   repairman. When he was nearing
         squares of fabric sewed by my        it’s been real, and it’s been true.  retirement, the company laid him
         grandma’s long fingers – the                                             off. He and my grandma began
         same fingers my mom has, the         My dad was raised in Lubbock,       cleaning houses and churches
         same fingers I have – provide us     Texas. His dad worked as a          to make ends meet. There was
         with the perfect                                         successful      never excess in the Kennicutt
         shield against the                                       clothing        home. Grandma specialized
         morning chill.                                           salesman        in concoctions like “weenie
         Luke reads the                                           for most of     gravy” to stretch the family’s
         day’s headlines                                          his career,     grocery budget. Mom grew up
         on his phone,                                            providing       understanding how to work hard
         and I pick up                                            everything      and yet be thankful for every good
         my latest book                                           his family      thing that came along.
         on comparative                                           needed and
         religion. One of                                         most of what    In 1974, my parents met at Barry
         our cats curls                                           they wanted.    and Edde Merrell’s wedding in
         up in the TV                                             My Nana         Washington. Dad was Barry’s best
         cabinet next to the                                      stayed at       man, and Mom was Edde’s maid of
         internet router.                                         home, and       honor. Barry and Edde had looked
         The other finds a                                        her time and    forward to the chance to introduce
         spot between Luke and me. This       attention were entirely devoted     their best friends. The two made
         is our daily routine. This is the life   to her children. Dad was raised   their intentions clear and didn’t
         we share, and I love it so much.     to believe that his potential was   miss an opportunity to express
         As I run my hand over the fine       limitless. He was a dreamer, with   their shared conviction that Mom
         threads that my grandma used         reason to assume that anything      and Dad were meant to be. After a
         to tie the backing of the quilt to   and everything were possible.
                                                                                  few awkward days of pre-wedding

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