Page 129 - Senior Link Magazine Fall 2018- Online Magazine
P. 129
A thousand years of the Roman Empire does not
contain the density of history of the WWII era.
It’s difficult to put into words how and the practice of guerrilla warfare. The Inspiration
important the World War II generation era new enemies are shielded by the native
is/was to our nation in both an historical, civilians, and they wear no insignia. Our
cultural, and global perspective. Thousands soldiers finally adapted because the WWII
and even millions of books, films, and songs guys would have adapted.
have been written about the era. The period
changed our science, art, engineering, Some things don’t need to be retooled.
language, transportation, medicine, fashion, The stereotypical WWII era military was
architecture, religion and politics. It has had intelligent, driven and focused, good-
a direct impact on almost every nation on looking, strong, athletic, and loyal to the
the globe, including the rearrangement of country and to each other. They infused
the entire continents of Europe and Asia, enthusiasm and humor into everything they
and the transformation of many islands in did. And they prayed.
the Pacific.
After the war, they came home and built an
After reading Inside the Third Reich and then empire, an empire of American dominance
watching the miniseries Band of Brothers, and exceptionalism that continues today.
followed by the films Dunkirk and then the
Winston Churchill biopic Darkest Hour, it’s Despite the often-negative Hollywood
apparent that the study and commentary stereotypes of the post-war generations,
about WWII will never be entirely complete. we hope that they approve of “us”, their
From the Battle of Britain to the Holocaust legacy. Urban myths can be wrong. The
to the dropping of the atomic bombs, there’s subsequent generations of veterans are not
material for hundreds of years more study mostly homeless, suicidal, unemployed or
of the period. A thousand years of the unemployable. In fact, these generations of
Roman Empire does not contain the density veterans have and have had much higher
of history of the WWII era. employment rates and higher income levels
than their civilian counterparts. They, in
The WWII generation of veterans has as every way, reflect the WWII leadership
deep an impact on the following generations template in civilian life and into our
of military as did any other aspect of the communities and businesses. We too went
war. Every soldier, sailor, marine, airman, home and studied for degrees in colleges
and coast guardsman in subsequent or went back to work in the foundries,
generations are inspired by the WWII hospitals, construction sites, and insurance
generation, and most are inspired to join agencies.
the military because of the mythology of
that era. We impersonate their swagger and From Korea to Vietnam to Granada, from
yearn for their approval. Panama to the Persian Gulf, Iraq and
Afghanistan, the WWII generation delivered
The WWII military was also the last a post-war military that completed every
generation that fought a war for the purest mission presented (even if the politicians
of reasons and clearly delineated lines. didn’t) and came home and continued the
Their warfare defined how warfare was empire building started on VJ Day.
supposed to look to the rest of us. Despotic
and purely evil enemies wore uniforms In the middle of the last century, the
and fought with traditional methods and WWII veterans cut the path for American
weapons against other soldiers organized global dominance and the later military
along front lines and natural barriers. generations paved it.
Allies and enemies were controlled by
governments. The WWII soldier so inspires
our expectations that it took time for the We pray that you are as proud
post-war generations to completely retool
for enemies of ideology or extremist religion of us as we are of you.
Lubbock Senior Link 129