Page 86 - Senior Link Magazine Spring 2018 - Online Magazine
P. 86
Louise Sears
A True Texas
Tech Fanatic
by Ryan Smith
1960, Odell and Louise Louise recalls cheering on the Red
started commuting from Raiders for many games in the
Brownfield to Lubbock Coliseum. The enthusiastic fan
for every Red Raider remembers being excited when the
basketball home game. United Spirit Arena (now United
Supermarket Arena) was being
ou can probably count The Sears had two built. And she recalls what games
on one hand how many children, Joe and Susan, one were like before the shot clock was
Yindividual season ticket granddaughter and one great- added. She is a big fan of the shot
holders to Texas Tech Men’s grandson before Odell
Basketball games have held them for passed away on May
more than 50 years. Louise Sears is 14, 2014. Describing his
one of those elite few. Her love for wife, he had said, “She
the game of basketball goes all the is the love of my life and
way back to the 1920s. She recalls has been by my side for
playing basketball on dirt courts nearly 70 years.” Over 50
as a young child. Girls didn’t play of those years they were
basketball much back then, because sitting together cheering
it was so physical. But Louise didn’t on the Red Raiders.
mind, and the love of the game and
her loyalty to the Red Raiders has The loss of her husband
kept her returning to Tech home in 2014 did not stop
games for 57 years. Louise from attending
Texas Tech basketball clock, because teams in the past
Louise Daughrity was born on June games. She arrives at each game two would play “keep away”, which
17, 1925 in Love County, Oklahoma. hours early to get a good parking led to a slower-paced game. She
When she was three years old, her spot. To this day, Louise and her has seen many coaches come and
family packed up and moved south family can be heard loud and proud go; one of her favorites was James
to the small town of Brownfield, in the stands of every home game Dickey. And she loves the Big 12
Texas. She married Odell Sears in yelling, “Raider Power!” Conference, because, in Louise
1945. She remembers that when Sears’ opinion, “the teams are much
they first wanted to buy season Louise has witnessed many changes more competitive than they were in
tickets in 1957, they were placed in her 57 years as a Texas Tech fan. the Southwest Conference.”
on a waiting list. But beginning in Her husband, Odell, even attended Louise says that the 2017-2018 Red
basketball games in the “Old Barn”. Raider Basketball team is one of
86 Lubbock Senior Link