Page 49 - Senior Link Magazine Spring 2018 - Online Magazine
P. 49
see the goodness in others. Many live has caused me to try and remember, my grandfather has
grandparents are great but mine emulate their behavior. I watch taken me to every Texas Tech
exceed them all! the way they speak to people; I football, basketball and baseball
Trey see how lovingly they treat them. game. It’s something we get to
do together, just us.
My grandparents have many And so many of the
traits that I admire and have tried people we see are his
to imitate. One of these is their friends. They all seem
selfless attitude. It seems like to love him because he
every time I turn around, they is so friendly to them.
are giving. They are consistently I admire his sense of
willing to put other people first. humor; he is always
Whether it is a family member, making me laugh, but
friend, or someone they don’t more than that, he
even know, my grandparents are puts people at ease. I
always willing to help. It isn’t want people to love
always easy, but I find myself me like they love my
trying to copy their behavior. Their consistent godly example grandparents. I want to have that
has affected how I relate to people kind of impact on people, too.
Another thing that I admire about myself, which brings me to the The influence they have on others
them is their godliness and their third trait: friendliness. because of their friendliness is
constant effort to please God. unbelievable.
They are always looking to serve Every time I go anywhere with
like Jesus did. Watching how they my grandparents, they see people My grandmother is just as
they know. As early as I can friendly, and she is always
Lubbock Senior Link 49