Page 47 - Senior Link Magazine Spring 2018 - Online Magazine
P. 47

started. After the concert, he celebrated with a hug
         and said, “That was grrreaat!” Even if the concert was
         horrendous, he would always say that to me.

         I am a baseball player, and Papa loved to watch me            AC and HEATING
         play. Throughout my baseball career, he attended most
                                             games, even           Simply Serviced. Simply Priced.
                                             if it was only
                                             for one inning.       806.549.7705                Give us a call...
                                                                                               Give us a call...
                                             Every game I                                      We will treat
                                                                                               We will treat
                                             played, he was                                    you RIGHT!
                                                                                                you RIGHT!
                                             there, cheering
                                             me on, in
                                             boiling spring
                                             and summer
                                             in his bright
                                             yellow jacket.
                                             Never much
                                             of an athlete,                    Jeff & Krista
                                             Papa did not                         OWNERS
                                             really know
                                             that much                          License No.
                                             about baseball,                    TACLB50569E
                                             but when it
                                             came to his
         grandson, he tried to understand the game, so we could
         talk baseball when we were together.                   hand, Papa and I would once again retreat from the
                                                                family crowd and just have a private discussion, where
         Through the 16 years that I knew him, we made tons     I would share my future plans, remind him again how
         of memories and shared life lessons that I will never   proud I am of him and how happy I have been that he
         forget. If I had that special time-travel ticket in my   was my Papa.


           Article Submitted by
           Ethan Wright

              Ethan Wright, Senior at Frenship High School, enjoys being a member of the
              Frenship Baseball Team, hanging out with family and friends, volunteering in
              the community, and being a part of the student ministries at Bacon Heights
              Baptist Church and Hillside Christian Church.  He plans to attend Texas A&M
              where  he  will  major  in  Zoology.  After  graduating  from  college,  he  looks
              forward  to  enjoying  a  long  successful  career  studying  animals  and  being  a
              voice for them.

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