Page 45 - Senior Link Magazine Spring 2018 - Online Magazine
P. 45
with whatever happened to
him, whether he got to walk
again or go to Heaven. In fact, “WHAT I LOVE MOST ABOUT FRENSHIP IS
at the end of his life, Granddad THE CARING AND POSITIVE ATTITUDES OF
was almost eager to meet EVERYONE HERE. FOR EXAMPLE, IF SOMEONE
his Heavenly Father. He had IS HAVING A BAD DAY, WE COMFORT THEM
confidence in the promises in TO MAKE THEM FEEL BETTER. WE ALSO SHARE
the Bible. His faith was evident EVERYTHING, LIKE OUR FRIENDSHIP.”
even to a fifth grader, which
made me want to have that
same security. I became more
and more curious about the
plan of salvation that gave my
grandfather hope and comfort
in his last years.
On the day that Granddad
passed away, I was at my
little brother’s baseball game.
I was walking around the
ballpark with a friend, when I FRENSHIP ISD
saw a bracelet on the ground.
I picked it up and read the
words “Keep the Faith.” At 501 7th St. • Wolfforth, Texas 79382 • (806) 866-9541 •
first I was unsure if I should
keep the bracelet, since it
wasn’t mine. Someone else had secure.” The word “anchor” in that verse reminds
lost it. However, I put it on my arm anyway. Later, in me of Granddad’s service in the Navy, and the word
the car, my mom got a phone call and started crying. “hope” tells me that I will see him again someday.
I had a feeling that the call was about Granddad.
Surprisingly, my reaction was one of peace more than To inspire means “to fill someone with the urge or
sadness. I was surprised by my reaction because I had ability to do or feel something.” That is exactly what
been much more upset earlier that year, when my dog my granddad, Harley Franklin, did for me. When I
died. I realized that The Lord was comforting me and was a child, he inspired me to do so many things; he
telling me that death is not a sad thing, if we know that encouraged me to dream big; he told me to always
someone is a believer. At that time, I really felt God’s work my hardest; and his testimony taught me to never
presence. I wore that bracelet for the rest of that year lose faith. His life and constant encouragement have
and into the next year, when I started middle school, helped make me who I am today. I hope his legacy of
and I still have it today. I realize that it was not just a love and encouragement will help me to be a good role
coincidence that I found that bracelet that day. Later model to others, now and in the future. Yes, Granddad,
I found a verse I was able to cling to - Hebrews 6:19. I will keep the faith.
“We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and
Article Submitted by
Hannah Franklin
Hannah Franklin is a senior at Frenship High School. She is involved
in broadcast media, National Honor Society, dance, and her youth
group. She is undecided on where she wants to continue her
education, but she would like to pursue broadcast journalism and
media communications.
Lubbock Senior Link 45