Page 44 - Senior Link Magazine Spring 2018 - Online Magazine
P. 44
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Senior Senior
by Hannah Franklin
by Ryan Smith
hen I think of a senior successful and happy because of his
citizen who would be a role encouragement and praise when I did
Wmodel in my life, Harley something well.
Franklin comes to my mind. He was
my paternal grandfather, whose life Even though I did not realize it for
and death impacted me in many ways. several years, Harley Franklin did
I spent much of my early years with have an actual life before becoming
him and my Nana, Ann Franklin, until Granddad to me. He grew up on a
I started kindergarten. They were farm at Abernathy and then went to
both recently retired when I, their first Texas Technological College. (He was
grandchild, was born. They were as there before Tech changed its name.)
eager to spoil me as I was glad to be Because he was an only child, he
spoiled! Spending time at their home enjoyed meeting people and making
each day meant that I got to be the friends who lasted a lifetime. He
center of the universe for at least a few was proud to play the trombone for
hours a day. four years in the Goin’ Band from
Raiderland. He was in the Navy and
Granddad did all sorts of things with served just off the coast of Vietnam
me because, he said he was so busy on a destroyer, the USS Uhlmann.
working when my dad and my aunt After he returned home from the
were young, that he missed out on Navy, he met my grandmother, and
spending time with them. He played they married in 1966. He pursued his When I was six years old, Granddad
with me, he taught me how to do dream of being a stockbroker, and had a massive stroke that left him
different sports, he read to me, he then later, he became a farmer on the paralyzed and in pain until his death
took me places, he tried to explain the family farm in Abernathy. Granddad five years later. I watched as therapists
stock market to me (that was a little and Nana had two children: my dad, worked with him to help him regain
confusing to a toddler!), he let me Curtis, and my aunt, Angela. He some movement and independence.
“help” with yard work, and he rubbed worked hard to provide for his family I saw how hard he tried even though
my back whenever I asked him. He and to set a good example for them. it was so difficult and painful. Even
worried about me, too. At every Following some health problems, he at my young age, I was aware of and
meal, his mantra was always, “Little sold the farm and retired before I was impressed by the way he remained
bites, Hannah, little bites.” I guess it born. hopeful and steadfast in his faith. I
worked; I haven’t choked yet! I felt could tell he was going to be okay
44 Lubbock Senior Link