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And her husband Max Ince ( Also LHS Class             day.  The look on my dad’s face was priceless.  We had
              of ’62) remembers this moment:                        a good laugh about it, and he felt terrible for lecturing
                                                                    me to push through.  It was one of many life lessons he
             “The Vice Principal stopped me in the hallway and asked   taught me. And he did pass the competitive spirit on to
             where I was going.  I replied, ‘To watch a football film.’   me, however, if I am ever in the same situation, I’ll get the
             He then asked if I had a pass, so I handed it to him.  He   x-ray first.”
             carefully looked it over and asked, ‘Who signed this
             pass?’  I sheepishly replied, ‘I did.’  He put the pass back   In January 2017, Dr. E.C. and Dr. Tim Leslie both received
             in my pocket and replied, ‘Just don't get caught!’  He   the Kal Segrist Lifetime Achievement Award. It is given to
             knew that I was not ‘up to no good’, so he let me go on   recognize people who have dedicated time and energy to better
             my way.  I always respected his fairness!”             youth baseball in Lubbock.
              Mary Ann’s sister Leslie Duckworth Ince                 His daughter, Dr. Leigh Leslie contributes
              (LHS Class of 1964) had this to say:                    these thoughts:

             “The catch phrase of the day in the 60's was 'neat' and   “It is difficult to capture in one or two paragraphs
             Dr. Leslie was the epitome of a 'neat' administrator!   what I learned from, and value about, my dad.   But I
             He...was fair and genuinely interested in the individual   [would like to] address two main ways in which Dad
             development of each student. As I graduated from       influenced my life.  First, he expected our best – no
             college and went into teaching I had the opportunity   excuses.  I remember growing up knowing that I was
             to be associated with Dr. Leslie on many occasions and   loved, but I still had to achieve all I was capable of.  I
             what began as a student/administrator relationship grew   recall a time when I had earned a C in Geometry.  My
             into a family friendship that remains to this day.”    teacher lamented to me, ‘What will Dr. Leslie think about
             (FYI: The Duckworth girls both married Ince brothers.)  me giving his daughter a C?’  I quickly assured her that
                                                                    ‘Dr. Leslie is going to have no problems with you, but
              E.C.‘s son, Dr. Tim Leslie has a uniquely             he is going to be all over me!’  I do so appreciate his
              personal perspective:                                 demanding my best, because it is the foundation of my
                                                                    professional success today.
             “Most individuals who meet my dad today would
             describe him as mellow, kind, easy-going, and          “But...perhaps Dad’s most powerful influence on me
             sympathetic.  He absolutely does posses all of these fine   was his commitment to racial justice.  The events are too
             qualities and more.  However, what many people do      numerous to mention, but throughout my life I heard
             not know was that during his stint with the Pirates pro   loud and strong from Dad that all people, regardless
             baseball team, he earned the nickname of ‘Rocky’; after   of their race or circumstance in life, should be given
             the famous boxer, Rocky Marciano. Apparently as a      the opportunity to succeed. One event crystalizes his
             second baseman, he didn’t tolerate players sliding in with   commitment to racial justice.  Apparently there had been
             their cleats too high and felt as though he should remedy   a tradition of high school principals and their wives
             this with his fist. Yes, the E.C. Leslie I grew up with was   (because no Lubbock high school principals in the 70’s
             a competitive, determined, and driven father, coach,   were women) having dinner together before the school
             principal, and superintendent, with a Christian heart.    year began. However, it had only been the principals
             Even at 80 years old, he was determined to try to return   of the ‘white’ schools.  I vividly remember that when it
             every shot while on the tennis court.                  was my Dad’s turn to host, he would only do so of if the
                                                                    principal of Dunbar (at that time an all African American
             “He took opportunities as they arose to teach me this   school) was invited. I was proud of him then, but as I’ve
             competitiveness. Once when I was in 7th grade football, I   aged I have become even more proud of his courage in
             injured my knee.  After a visit with the school trainer the   taking a stand to challenge the racial dynamics in our
             diagnosis was a severe bruise. I told my dad it was really   community.  I could mention many more examples, but
             still hurting. The lecture I received went something like   the point is that Dad was a model for me of standing up
             ‘Son, if you are going to play sports, then you are going   for those that are left out or marginalized.  The example
    through the pain, and if you can’t do that, then   he set of valuing everyone and standing up for the
             you don’t need to play sports!’  So I kept on, playing   disenfranchised has been a guiding force in my personal
             three more football games and going to the training room   and professional life.”
             every day to whirlpool my knee.  The trainer finally
             suggested that maybe we needed an x-ray.  It showed
             that I had a broken knee cap and I was put in a cast that

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