Page 7 - Senior Link Magazine Summer 2017- Online Magazine
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E.C. grew up in Kansas City MO. His dad, the senior Ernest
Cleo, was an engineer for the River Authority and Mrs. Leslie Barry Stephens, D. Min., Senior Minister of
taught school. E.C. Jr. graduated from high school at age 16 and Monterey Church of Christ writes:
college at age 19. He excelled at baseball and after graduation,
signed with the Pittsburgh Pirates. He met the love of his life, “E.C. and Johnnie were part of the original group
Johnny May Kaneaster, at an AAU (Amateur Athletic Union) that started Monterey Church of Christ in 1963, and
basketball game and married her in 1951. they were the heart and soul of this church for many
years. They mentored young couples for decades and
The young athlete played baseball in the Pirates’ minor league demonstrated the gift of hospitality to everyone else
for two years before being drafted by another team, the U.S. - there is no telling how many Monterey members
government, during the Korean Conflict. After serving his were in their home through the years. It was always a
country, he returned to his wife and the Pirates. In 1954, they blessing to experience their warm reception and to enjoy
Johnnie’s cooking.
sent E.C. and Johnnie to Lubbock, Texas for a 3-month season.
Dr. Leslie calls it “the hand of God” which kept them here. After “E.C. served as an elder until 2005. He was an incredibly
playing with the Lubbock Hubbers, his career in education influential leader, and yet recognized the importance of
began as a history teacher and baseball coach at Lubbock High being part of a team. When E.C. spoke, everyone knew
School. He became a counselor in 1960, then vice-principal, they would hear words of wisdom.”
principal and finally superintendent of LISD. When he retired,
he had served the students of Lubbock for over 30 years. Sue Key Sanders, a licensed professional
counselor offers these memories:
The Leslie’s raised two children, Dr. Leigh Leslie, a professor of
Psychology at The University of Maryland and Dr. Tim Leslie, a “In the summer of 1967, I walked into the administrative
popular Lubbock dentist. Even though 3 of the 4 Leslies earned offices of Lubbock High School. To my delight the
doctorates, they all agree that Johnnie was the smart one. principal was willing to talk to me. I said, ‘Sir, I want to
go to Lubbock High School next year.’ Dr. Leslie smiled
and said, ‘I bet I can make that happen!’
Several of E.C.’s fans contributed to this article, but dozens
more would have gladly shared about the life of one of “During my two years there, I worked in the counselor’s
Lubbock’s favorite educators. office. Dr. Leslie’s humility set the tone for a staff that
accepted and taught students from varied backgrounds
Erin Agee, editor of Senior Link Magazine, and her family are with equal zeal. The student population was a blend
neighbors of E.C. Leslie. She says the love E.C. and Johnnie of races and social standings, unique and rare for a
shared was remarkable - a journey of 63 years together. “He school at the time. But we were all aware of the love and
loved and cared for her their entire marriage, but the way he respect demonstrated to us by our principal.
took care of her the last few years was a powerful testimony to
all of us about what a husband’s love for his wife should look “Earlier this spring, I ran into a former LISD teacher,
like.” Dorothy McKever. When I mentioned the retired
superintendent, she exclaimed, ‘Mr. Leslie was my
cont'd on page 9 warrior! He stood up for me during a rough time in my
life.’ Her tribute echoes the stories of many others who
tell of the beneficial impact of knowing this remarkable
man. I now have a private counseling practice, and I am
grateful for his influence. The way he interacted with
students endeared him to Westerners, and the years he
invested in our community has made him a Lubbock
From Mary Ann Duckworth Ince, LHS Class
of 1962:
“He was an administrator who did not have to demand
respect. Everyone respected him for his sincere interest
and character. I thought of him as a friend who wanted
the best from each student!
"In 1966, I began my teaching career at LHS with Dr.
Leslie as the Principal. He was a kind, understanding
and skilled leader and mentor.”
Lubbock Senior Link 7