Page 51 - Senior Link Magazine Spring 2025 - Online Magazine
P. 51
by Cynthia Evans
paid into the Social Security system.
The other disability program is
Supplemental Security Income. This
program does not take into account
an applicant’s work history. (https:// Both disability
programs examine the evidence of
medical issues.
Suggestions in dealing with your
Social Security
1. Create a My Social Security
account. (
myaccount) Even if you are not
receiving monthly benefits, it’s a
T Many people ask, “Why is my benefit good idea to set up a My Social
he Social Security
Security account. This will provide
this amount?” The amount of the
Administration was formed
during some of the darkest
Social Security Administration has
times in American history. It is “an benefits is based on what someone you access to the information that the
has worked and paid into the system.
act to provide for the general welfare on your record. Making sure that the
by establishing a system of Federal Survivor information is correct and contacting
old-age benefits, and by enabling the the agency to get inaccuracies
several States to make more adequate This benefit is available to a worker corrected is your responsibility. If
provision for aged persons, blind who has worked and paid into Social you are receiving benefits, you can
persons, dependent and crippled Security and has qualified surviving make changes to your record without
children, maternal and child welfare, family members, such as a widow contacting SSA, such as a change of
public health, and the administration and children. ( address/telephone number, change
of their unemployment compensation survivor/eligibility) of direct deposit, and obtain proof of
laws; to establish a Social Security Social Security benefits.
Board; to raise revenue; and for Medicare is federal health insurance
other purposes.” (https://www.ssa. for anyone age 65 and older, and 2. Become familiar with the
gov/history/35actpre.html) Since some people under 65 with certain planning resources on the Social
1935 and the Franklin D. Roosevelt disabilities or conditions. (https:// Security website (
administration, the goal has not the Retirement Age Calculator, the
changed, and it has come to play a started-with-medicare/medicare- Working Years Calculator, and the
vital role in our economic society. basics/parts-of-medicare) Medicare Online Calculator. There are many
is a federal insurance in which the more tools available to assist the
SSA is very important to many people Social Security Administration is public in planning for your financial
in meeting their daily budgets. But responsible for enrolling qualified future.
there is very little understanding people in this program. There are
about what the agency provides. monthly premiums deducted from Check out and become
Below is a brief outline of the most Social Security benefit checks. informed.
benefits available through SSA. The
Social Security Administration has Social Security
benefits available to workers and Disability and
auxiliary beneficiaries who meet SSA Supplemental Simplifying Social Security
qualification. Security Income
Retirement Disability benefits
are available Cynthia Evans
This benefit is available to a worker through SSA. Social
who is at least 62 years of age and has Security Disability
worked enough under covered work Insurance is based
to be insured for benefits. (https:// on what a worker (806) 414-2705 has worked and