Page 33 - Senior Link Magazine Winter 2024 - Online Magazine
P. 33

LOCAL LEGENDS                                                     LOCAL LEGENDS

           LEGENDARY ON

           Many Levels

              Kurt Kiser

           by Vickie Walters

                                             Bob, worked for Esso, which is      joined forces for five years at KLBK.
                                             now Exxon/Mobil. Kurt’s mother      He worked there until September
                                             returned to the states so he could   1999, then went to work for
                                             be born on American soil in case he   Alamosa PCS, a Sprint PCS affiliate,
                                             ever wanted to be President of the   as their marketing and public
                                             United States. Spoiler alert … he is   relations coordinator. He loved that
                                             never running for president!        job and remains friends to this day
                                                                                 with several of his co-workers.
                                             After nine years in Venezuela,
                                             the family moved to Australia.,     In August 2011, Kurt returned to
                                             where they lived in Melbourne       television on Fox 34, anchoring
                                             for four years, then a smaller      alongside Jeff Klotzman. It was
                                             town called Sale in the state of    unusual for two men to share
                                             Victoria. He considers Australia    the anchor desk, especially two
                                             his second country and fell in love   men with white hair! They were
                                             with Australian football there,     nicknamed the silver foxes and
                                             specifically the Hawthorn Hawks.    anchored together for seven years.
                                             He still gets up in the middle of the   It’s a friendship that Kurt treasures
            t has been almost 30 years since   night on weekends to watch their   to this day. His co-anchor for the
            Kurt Kiser first came to Lubbock.   games live, texting back-and-forth   next two years was Rachel Reagan,
         IWhen you hear his name, you        with his son, Jason, who lives in   whom he ‘adopted’ as his daughter
         may think of nightly news or “Kurt   Melbourne. He is a sports fanatic,   since he had three sons. Kurt began
         Talk” on the Fox 34 television      especially for Texas Tech and the St.   “Kurt Talk” about three years before
         station, but there is much more to   Louis Cardinals.                   returning to Fox 34. He eventually
         this Lubbock legend.                                                    compiled these inspirational short
                                             Southern Illinois University in
         Kurt was born in Marion, Indiana    Carbondale, Illinois is Kurt’s      stories into a book about ten years
         on November 10, 1958. He is the     alma mater. He majored in radio/    ago. He still posts past “Kurt Talks”
         middle child of an older sister and   TV broadcasting, with a minor in   on his Facebook page. He enjoyed
         younger brother and has always      speech. He is one of few people in   his time in both radio and television
         called himself the troubled middle   America who actually used both     and feels most comfortable
         child. His siblings were kind       degrees in his profession. Kurt came   speaking and performing in front of
         enough to tell him recently that    to Lubbock in 1995 after living in   crowds because he loves sharing his
         he does not have to use that title   Odessa for ten years. He worked at   life with others.
         anymore due to his unwavering       KLBK, Channel 13, as a co-anchor    There are many fond memories of
         commitment to caring for their      with Becky Neighbors. He and        Lubbock, but at the top of Kurt’s
         100-year-old father. He was born    Becky worked for opposing stations   list would be performing at the
         in Indiana, but his family lived    in the Midland/Odessa market but    Cactus Theater. He was asked
         in Venezuela, where his father,

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