Page 87 - Senior Link Magazine Fall 2023 - Online Magazine
P. 87



         mental HealtH:

            Addressing Barriers to Treatment

            n 2019, 47% of the U.S. veteran   It is important to increase and     Lack of Understanding
            population was 65 or older, and   highlight awareness of the
         Ithis number is expected to reach   importance of seeking help. If more   of  Treatment Options:
         52% next year, according to the     individuals share their experiences
         National Center for Biotechnology   and tools for coping, more veterans   Many veterans are unaware of
         Information. After service, veterans   will be likely to take the next step   treatment options. Lack of education
         must readjust to regular life, but   toward healing.                     about resources and readily available
         sometimes traumatic experiences                                          information can make getting help a
         in the military can lead to serious   Lack of Access to                  daunting task. From the confusion of
         mental health conditions, such                                           enrolling for the necessary services to
         as post-traumatic stress disorder,   Specialized Care:                   unclear benefits, more veterans could
         depression, anxiety, and substance   ------                              receive the care they need if they
         use disorder. Despite higher rates of   Even if a veteran is open to seeking   understood their options.
         PTSD, older veterans are less likely   mental health treatment, too often
         to seek mental health services due to   they struggle to find professionals   In addition to understanding how
         barriers like a perceived stigma.   who understand their specific needs.   to access treatment, sifting through
         Here are some common roadblocks     This can be especially challenging   different treatment options can be a
         that older veterans experience in   for older veterans, as their needs   hurdle. Behavioral health treatment
         seeking and receiving mental health   can be more clinically complex due   is not a one-size-fits-all. Many
         care.                               to potential physical ailments or    veterans could benefit from a clear
                                             cognitive decline. Research even     explanation of available services to
         Stigma and Stereotypes:             suggests the stress of aging can     better understand what treatment
                                                                                  may mean for them.
         ------                              exacerbate post-traumatic stress
         The stigma surrounding mental                                            If someone doesn’t feel understood
         health conditions is a significant   Culturally competent care is        by their mental health professional,
         barrier for many individuals in     frequently highlighted when          they may be more hesitant to
         need of treatment, but this can be   discussing the treatment of people   open up, leading to ineffective or
         especially prevalent among veterans.   of diverse ethnic and cultural    discontinued treatment. Continued
         Service members are often seen as   backgrounds, but it is also important   awareness of the unique needs
         strong and self-reliant and may     for individuals with uniquely-lived   of older veterans can help this
         hide emotional challenges to avoid   experiences, like older veterans.   population receive the care they
         being seen as weak. This hesitation                                      need.
         can also come from concern about
         being labeled with embarrassing
         stereotypes.                           If you or a loved one is experiencing mental health challenges, reach out
                                                to a qualified provider, such as Oceans Behavioral Hospital Lubbock for a
                                                confidential assessment at  WWW.OCEANSLUBBOCK.COM.

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