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Take a Great Proceeds benefit the free educational outreach programs
GARDEN TOUR! offered in Lubbock County by the 75 LMGA members.
LMGA programs include scholarships, free Sow & Grow Seed
Libraries, school gardens, the in-development Demonstration
Sunday, September 3, 2023 Garden, and more.
he annual Hub City Garden Tour is a wonderful
opportunity to share the beauty of area gardens with Lubbock Master Gardener
Tfamily and friends! Sponsored by the Lubbock Master Association (LMGA) is helping
Gardener Association (LMGA), it is a self-guided, walking Lubbock County grow. LMGA
exploration of six varied garden settings in Lubbock, on is an all-volunteer 501(c)(3)
September 3, from 1 to 6 p.m. organization affiliated with
Texas A&M AgriLife Extension
From established gardens with plant and design ideas to Service, an agency of Texas A&M
steal, to a xeriscape demonstration garden that shows ways University. LMGA supports and
to conquer the challenge of gardening in West Texas, there is educates Lubbock County home
something for everyone. gardeners and organizations
Tickets may be purchased online at LubbockMasterGardener. with science-based best practices
org, or in person on September 3 at the LMGA Demonstration and experience navigating the
Garden, 4111 University Ave. Tickets are $20; kids under age 13 unique gardening opportunities
get in free. on the Llano Estacado. To
learn more about LMGA free
Each ticketholder receives a guidebook with a map at the first support and resources, go to
garden they choose to visit. Each garden will have a giveaway, or
for a gift certificate from Mammie’s Metal Art, or a seedling find us on Facebook at Lubbock
starter kit. Master Gardeners.
Lubbock Master Gardeners will be on hand to answer questions Ann Jaramillo, Texas Master
and highlight areas of interest in each garden. Gardener, 615-438-4797
Please note that many of the gardens are not wheelchair
accessible or suitable for strollers. Comfortable shoes, a hat, and
sunscreen are suggested. Photography is permitted. This event For information, email:
will take place—rain or shine.
Ways to Honor Veterans, Active Military
and First Responders
Teach your children to recognize active military, first Be present to send soldiers off or welcome veterans home at
responders, and veterans (by their uniforms or other the airport.
apparel), and that it is appropriate to thank them. You will
be establishing the art of appreciation and acknowledgement Vietnam veterans especially appreciate hearing the words
of another’s sacrifices. Teach them to say thank you in sign “Welcome Home.”
Pray for them. Often there are struggles that we can’t see, but
Record their stories - either by writing, or video recording. we can ask God to intervene on their behalf. Psalm 91 is called
The capture of a personality, the documentation of events and “The Soldier’s Psalm.”
the journal of someone’s life history will become treasures to
family, friends, and even future generations. Volunteer to visit a home-bound veteran. A one-time social
call will be appreciated, but ongoing visits could give an
Donate to veteran charities. Utilize fundraisers such as the elderly veteran something to look forward to. Consider
annual “Lemonade Day” or other activities. Volunteer with volunteering for a hospice or other organization that can
veteran support organizations. provide you with adequate training.
Fly the flag! Offer to help aging veterans display their flags if Deliver baked goods and thank you notes to your local fire
they need assistance. When a veteran dies, lower flags to half- department, ambulance station or to a police officer you
staff to show honor and respect. know.
Buy a cup of coffee or a meal for someone who has served Interview a veteran, write his/her story, and submit it to
or is serving our country or our community. Thank them Lubbock Senior Link Magazine during the summer for the
in person, or ask the wait staff to pass on your token of annual fall veteran’s issue.