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P. 80
Greg Hartfield Submariner and Naval
by Jane Bromley
camp, he had 20 seconds to call to the USS George Phillip FFG-
his dad. I said, “Dad, I’m here, 12, and his drill weekends were
and I am safe,” and Sam said, “So spent at sea. He soon changed
you’re gonna be wearin’ a dog his specialty from weapons to
bowl on your head?” Naval Intelligence and followed
suit by becoming a Border Patrol
Submarine School in Groton, CT Intelligence Agent.
was next, and then he reported
to the USS Tecumseh SSBN 628 Greg and longtime girlfriend
in Charleston, SC just before Tracy married in June 1996,
Christmas 1986. The ballistic but instead of settling into a
missile submarine conducted calmer, safer routine, Op Tempo
Strategic Deterrent Patrols in increases sent him on details
the North Atlantic with endless to different Sectors with the
qualifications, casualty drills and Border Patrol and increased
routine watch standing, all the mobilizations with the reserves.
while maintaining continuous All the while, he continued to
communications with Strategic pursue his Master's degree in
Command. “Everything on a public administration. “It was
boat is compartmentalized, need intense.”
to know, and often you have no
“ n the Navy Reserve, men and idea where you are or if it is day The nature of his reserve job was
women from all walks of life or night.” Greg stood watch as much more than routine training.
Ijoin together to experience Torpedoman of the Watch and After 9/11, he was selected for
unrivaled training, undeniable Fire Control Technician of the Naval Special Warfare Group 1
purpose, and uncommon Watch during the three and a (NAVSPECWAR)—providing
adventure” (USNR website). half years aboard the Tecumseh. intelligence, planning, and
Reservists traditionally drill one “It was the best thing I ever support for Special Ops. In
weekend a month and perform did,” and his dad was ultimately
two weeks of active-duty training proud.
annually, but the story of one
local sailor reads more like an Greg went straight into the
“uncommon adventure” than a Reserves in Amarillo while
training manual. earning a degree in Criminal
Justice Administration at WT in
Big Spring native and Army Canyon. Upon graduation, he
veteran Sam Hartfield raised an moved to Colorado and drilled
average student participating in on the Buckley AFB, assigned
athletics and the marching band to the Naval Weapons Station
in high school and who, after a Seal Beach as a Heavy Weapons
short stint in college, decided to Handler. In July 1995, he joined
follow his dad into the Army. the US Border Patrol and was
Recruiter maneuvering led sent to Imperial Beach, CA,
instead to a commitment to the where he worked for four years
US Navy and disdain from Sam. as a line agent for Operation
When Greg got to Naval Training Gatekeeper; meanwhile, the
Center Great Lakes for boot Navy Reserve reassigned him
80 Lubbock Senior Link