Page 48 - Senior Link Magazine Fall 2023 - Online Magazine
P. 48
Paul Henry We Plan—
He Directs
by LaVila Henry
Marines but wasn’t Two weeks later, LaVila returned
old enough without for the new semester at Grace
his dad’s signature, Bible Institute in Omaha. Her
and his dad wouldn’t new roommates had a connection
sign. In February 1962, with Southside, and LaVila
shortly after he was old decided to go to church with
enough to join on his them. In Sunday School class, her
own, he and his friend, roommates were enamored with
John, made their way this young, handsome airman
to the recruiter’s office, named Paul. They both wanted
this time to join the to date him. Off the top of her
Air Force. Though he head (or possibly prophetically),
wanted to be a pilot, the LaVila said, “Forget it. That’s the
USAF had another plan, guy I’m going to marry.”
and he was sent to train
for Air Traffic Control A few weeks later, when LaVila
(ATC). didn’t attend the Valentine’s
party, Paul asked her why she
After successful basic wasn’t there. She told him it was
training at Lackland because no one had asked her.
AFB in San Antonio, TX He reminded her that it was leap
and technical training year, and if a girl wanted to go,
at Keesler AFB in she should have done the asking.
Biloxi, Mississippi, he “Okay, pick me up for church
wanted to go overseas. tonight,” was her reply. And
However, the Air Force he did. Paul and LaVila were
t had been 31 years since had arranged something engaged on April 17, 1964, and
he walked into the Air else and sent him to begin his were married on June 12.
ITraffic Control facility in ATC career at SAC (Strategic
Longmont, Colorado, and that Air Command) Headquarters at Paul spent his entire military
day, July 1, 1999, Paul Henry Offutt Air Force Base in Omaha, career at Offutt. While there,
was retiring and telling his Nebraska.
coworkers goodbye. Everyone
in the building who could make He had been raised in church,
it was there. Along with cake, but church wasn’t on his mind.
refreshments, and gifts, they had However, after getting to Omaha,
scrawled in huge letters across wanting to please his family,
the big chalkboard wall the he started attending Southside
words they had heard daily from Assembly of God. Pastors Wes
him for years: “Today is the best and Miriam Reynolds took
day of my life.” notice, and Miriam was quick to
check up on him. On the night of
It had been a great career, and New Year’s Eve 1963, Paul found
though he didn’t know it then—it himself at Southside listening
wasn’t ending. to a compelling message from a
young preacher about his age.
This farm boy from Fruita, That night he recommitted his
Colorado wanted to join the life to the Lord.
48 Lubbock Senior Link